Chapter 6: Splash

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Roughly by the third day after Golden Week ended, Haruka had committed to memory the names and faces of the upperclassmen for the most part and he was gradually starting to get used to club activities, too. He couldn't swim as spaciously as at the Swimming Club, but he came to understand that if they think it out with each other, he can practice within limitations; and individually, they each have their clear task, so he came to understand that if they deal with it systematically, even if he only gets a short practice time, he can still obtain sufficient results. In that sense, the role that communication fulfills was big, it was necessary for the entire swim club to act as a single team. Disturbing the team's harmony ends up leading directly to the whole club's loss. He steadily understood that, too.

Above all, the first years' practice time was short, they often had to give a helping hand with Nao's main job as manager, they measured the upperclassmen's times and partnered up with them for calisthenics quite a lot.

For the sake of securing even just a little practice time, Haruka and the others came earlier than the upperclassmen, quickly finishing up the chores was their first priority. Inevitably, it became the first years' role to unlock the changing room.

"Oi, Ikuya. That's my shelf."

In the changing room, there were just spaces partitioned off with a wooden frame which can't even be called lockers, they didn't have doors, so of course it's not like they had names written on them, either. That's why each of them could use whichever one they liked, but the places they used were kind of decided by grade, every single person had their favorite spot.

Apparently, the spot Ikuya was using happened to be Asahi's favorite.

"That's not decided, is it?"

"I always use that one."

"Then use another one today."

That's the usual. He's become accustomed to this futile bickering before long, too.

"Quit it, you two. We don't have the time to argue. We have to get ready quickly, or the senpais will get here."

Makoto, who acts as the mediator, goes to a lot of trouble every time, too. In the end, it seems that Asahi gave in and used another shelf, but unable to get over it, he grumbles under his breath.

"For someone who joined late...... Nao-senpai entrusted me to be the leader."

He would've been better off ignoring it, but Ikuya talks back.

"For someone who swims slowly."

"You said it now, you bastard!"

"Wanna have a showdown? In free?"

Asahi's back flinched as he began taking off his shirt and for a moment, he stopped moving. His expression can't be seen. But he goes back to taking off his shirt right away and his spiky head appears.

"I don't swim free."

"How come? Why?"

Ikuya amusedly presses him for an answer. Indeed, he hasn't ever seen Asahi swim the crawl. Of course, all they're practicing now is stuff like starts and push offs, it was about the first five minutes when they could swim freely.

"You're so annoying. I don't swim it, the free."

As Asahi answered like it was a bother, the second years suddenly called out to him.

"Oi, Shiina. What's the meaning of that? You don't swim free?"

It's the second year boys' leader–– Yazaki Shouta.

It seems that while they were dillydallying, the upperclassmen had arrived. Half-naked, Asahi goes rigid.

"Uissu, um, well, Haru...... Nanase only swims free, so, by me not swimming free, it'd provide ba-balance––"

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