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Chapter 12: The Escape

      "Ugh! My head!" Max groans in pain as he begins to regain consciousness. The youngling checks his surroundings only to find himself restrained on a large metal table inside what looks like an old train tunnel. Surrounding him is a bunch of large equipment that looks like something straight off of an assembly line. 'Saws. Drills. Laser Cutters. This looks like a torture table straight out of one of those horror movies mom never let me watch… I should have listened to her.'

      "Shadowstreak? They got you too huh? Well you'd better buckle up, these humans are ruthless." Breakdown's voice says from below him. 

      Max was able to lift his head up enough to get a minimum view of Breakdown who looked like he's seen better days. One of his optics has been removed and his chest has been opened up. Surrounding the two Cybertronians, were multiple MECH agents who were working on their notes and equipment.

     "Who are these guys?" Max questions.

     "A good question my extraterrestrial friend." The voice of Sylas says. "To answer your question, we are MECH."

     'These must be the ones who kidnapped me. What do they want? How did they manage to kidnap me?' Max thinks to himself as he glares daggers at Sylas.

      "Are his pain receptors off?" Sylas questions.

      "Yes sir!" A MECH scientist answers.

      "Good. Open him up." Sylas orders as a sadistic grin stretches across his face.

      The scientists did as told and used a large saw to delicately cut open Max's chest. Max tried to break free of his restraints but to no avail. Luckily for Max he couldn't feel anything. That being said he didn't like the idea of someone poking around in his chest. After a few seconds they managed to fully open Max's chest just as they did to Breakdown. 

     "Hey get out of my chest you assholes!" Max shouts as he continues to struggle against his restraints. The MECH agents ignore him.

    "Umm… Sir you may want to take a look at this." One of the MECH scientists says catching Sylas's attention.

    "What is it?" Sylas questions before suddenly feeling a dark presence around him. He wasn't the only one. All the MECH agents could feel it.

     "Is his core supposed to look so… dark?" One the scientists asked as he points at Max's now open chest. Sylas looked to see what he was talking about. 'That's odd. When we opened up Breakdown his core was glowing blue and didn't irradiate whatever this dark presence is. His core is glowing dark purple instead of blue. Why is that? I suppose it doesn't matter. We'll just remove it and study it. Unfortunately for the subject he won't survive the procedure.'

     "Remove whatever that is. I want to take a better look at it later." Sylas orders. The scientists hesitates for a moment but nonetheless does as told. Max begins to struggle even more as the oversized drill inched closer and closer to his spark. However as soon as the drill makes contact, it and the MECH agent operating it are decentigrated. 

     Max begins screaming in pain as an unknown force courses through him. Dark lighting begins radiating off of him destroying all equipment in the process.  The dark lighting begins lashing out killing any MECH agent that goes near him. Sylas quickly saves himself by running out of the room and putting as much distance between him and Max as possible. Max breaks free of his restraints and struggles to stand through all the pain.

     "Holy shit open fire!" One of the Agents shouts. However before anyone could pull the trigger Max lets out a monstrous roar accompanied by a flash of purple light. When the light fades all is silent and still, all except Max. After a moment of venting heavily Max manages to stand straight and observe his surroundings. Everything was frozen, but not frozen by Ice.

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