August 22, 2020

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Dear diary,
I can't spell dihhrea. Dihrea .diahhrea. oh wait autocorrect decided to save me: diarrhea.

Umm ok so it's Saturday and I took the ssat. Didn't study but I watched a subliminal before the test and I think it somewhat worked. Actually, nvm. I had to take the test online, at home so there were many distractions. My stomach literally decided to grumble so loudly during the test. I was literally sucking all of the air out of my lungs, to get it to quiet down. The test proctor could literally hear me.

Anyways that 4 hour test ended hours ago. I hadn't eaten a single meal so I decided to cook. So like, yeah that's all. I'm probably gonna spend the rest of the day watching Netflix or something. Maybe I should start my summer homework. School is starting soon.

15 mins later:

Ok so you know how I said school is starting soon? Well the whole state of NJ is doing school online this year. This means that I can finally go to the school building and exchange my old textbooks for new ones.

That also means that I get to go back to school shopping. This year, since we are going it online I don't have to get as much supplies as usual. This year all I'm probably gonna get is some pens and post it's. Maybe a folder or two. I have a bunch of school supplies in my locker so I'll have to get them on Friday.

I'm gonna be like Anne Frank ;)

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