Chapter 43 - Killer

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My Cupcake and I stayed in the infirmary for the rest of the day, until I finally tried to send my girl to our room so she can sleep peacefully. But the moment I asked her to leave, she got angry and yelled at me that there's no chance she'd leave me alone.

How could I say anything to that?

Of course I couldn't, so I just kept her pressed against me as she slept on my small bed, while the Gun, Key and Zombie lay around us.

It took few hours for the painkillers to eventually stop working and that's when I start feeling the full brunt of my wound. The adrenaline wore off a while ago, but Doc gave me a shot after he and Lia patched me up.

For some reason sleep kept evading me and I ended up watching my Cupcake as she slept. The worry lines marring her cute face broke my heart, since I knew I was the reason behind it. I made my girl worry about me.

"Hey Killer." I turn to the door at the sound of Lia's voice as she walks in, smiling warmly. "Glad to see you're awake. How are you doing?" She comes up closer and that's when I notice the patch on her vest. 'Ghost'.

"I'm fine. I see you got your cut." I smirk.

"Yeah. Tank gave me and Blake our cuts yesterday. He gave us Nomad patches for now, but mentioned something about patching us in as Enforcers if we decide to get tied to the club for good." She grins happily, tracing her fingers over the patch. I knew that Tank wanted to make Lia and Blake the Enforcers of the club; in fact, I was the one that suggested it to him in the first place. I used to be a nomad myself, but after meeting my sweet Cupcake, Tank offered me the position of the Enforcer and I gladly accepted it. I can easily say that if there's anyone fit for a job such as mine, it's Lia. She's as persuasive and brutal as me and she'll be a great addition for the club. And the fact that she can infiltrate any underground club in five different states only adds to her appeal.

"What are you doing here so early?" I question curiously when I see it's barely five in the morning.

"I woke up early and decided to check up on you guys. I didn't expect you to be awake, though. I'm guessing the painkillers wore off. Did you even sleep?" She trails off knowingly glancing pointedly at my leg.

"A while ago and no." I tell her honestly, keeping my voice quiet so I don't wake up my girl.

"I can give you a shot. I see you IV needs to be changed too."

"Thanks, sister." I smile gratefully. This woman is unbelievable. She really is invaluable for our club, and I'm honestly glad she agreed to join us.

I watch quietly as Lia changes my IV and gives me the same shot Doc gave me yesterday before she goes to the other guys. She changes their drips, checks on their wounds and cleans them before redoing the dressing.

Once she's done with Gun, Key and Zombie, she comes back to me. She smiles warmly at my Cupcake as she snuggles into me sleepily then sits on a chair beside the bed and gently cuts off the bandage on my thigh. I'm not sure how I feel about having Lia's hands so close to my junk, but thankfully she doesn't seem bothered by it. Her touch is purely clinical and she quickly checks my stitches, cleans the area around them then redresses my thigh. This girl should've been a doctor. She knows what she's doing.

"Haven't you thought about being a doctor?" I ask curiously as Lia discards her gloves and the old bandages, getting a confused frown from her in response.

"Not really... I only got the training so I could take care of myself after fights." She shrugs casually.

"Who trained you, if you don't mind me asking?"

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