Chapter 44 - Lia

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Once Doc and I have checked on Key and Zombie, we leave the infirmary and head to the common room, where we're met by most of the guys sitting around in the booths and by the bar. My eyes immediately search for my Cakey, as always, and I can't help but grin when I see him outside as he smokes with Gun.

Let's surprise him.

I quietly make my way to the front porch, ignoring the quiet chortles from the guys as I pass by them. I silently prowl to my Cakey and once I'm behind him, I jump on his back, wrapping myself around him.

"Jesus Christ, kitten, don't scare me like that!" Blake stumbles a bit, laughing quietly. "Want a puff?" He holds out the cigarette to me and I take a long drag before blowing it out behind Blake's back.

"So, why are you here?" I ask, nuzzling my cheek against his lovingly.

Gun sighs heavily next to us, making it obvious that something's bothering him. "Snake's dead. He got shot during the raid and Doc couldn't save him. Since you broke Crusher's jaw, he can't talk and the two guys that were with them are either stubborn or stupid. They took the beating but didn't say a peep."

"Oh boy... Tank must be happy." I chuckle.

"He's ecstatic!" Gun exclaims sarcastically.

"I'm sure he is."

"How are the boys?" Gun questions worriedly as I take another drag of Blake's cig.

"They'll be okay. They're already stable and doing better, but Doc said it'll be a while before they fully recover."

"That's to be expected. But I have to ask, do you have to cling to him like this?" Gun stares pointedly at my position on Blake's back.

"Yeah, I do." I squeeze my Cakey lovingly, nuzzling my face into his shoulder.

"I don't mind. I love having her with me." Blake turns his head to give me a kiss over his shoulder then holds out his cigarette for me.

"See? He loves it when I cling onto him."

"You two are unbelievable. Two badass bikers that cuddle like babies."

"As if you and Mags are any different." I smirk knowingly. He and Maggie are really affectionate towards each other, maybe even more than Blake and I.

"Has Tank talked to you yet?" Gun asks after a while as I jump off my Cakey's back to get in front of him. I squeeze in between my man and the railing, making Blake laugh as he scoots back to give me some space. Once I'm securely pressed against him, he puts his arms around me and squishes me lovingly. "Wow, you really just ignored me."

"We didn't. What was Tank supposed to talk to me about?" I light up two cigs before handing one over to Blake.

"Since Killer is... unavailable, Tank said it might be a good idea to have you interrogate the assholes. You've proven to be quite effective when it comes to questioning people." Gun smirks knowingly.

"Oh... Okay." I nod.

"Just like that?"

"Sure. I don't see a problem." I shrug. "When does he want me to see those guys?"

"Don't know. You would have to ask him. He's still quite pissed that he didn't get to make Snake pay for everything..."

"That's understandable, I guess. He was looking forward to catching that asshole only to lose him before he even got a chance to beat him up." Blake comments.

"Yeah... But at least we got Crusher and those two idiots."

Blake keeps me in his arms as we stand quietly on the porch and I can't help but melt against him, loving the feeling of his body surrounding mine. "Knock it off, you two. You're worse than me and Mags when we were younger, I swear to god." Gun grumbles in annoyance.

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