Chapter 3 - School - Day one

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It has been one Tide since Sergge Calla disappeared. Byia is already five Tides old and she is going to school for the first time. She was eating her breakfast while staring at the empty chair in front of her. Teera noticed and rubbed the head of her little daughter with her tail.

- "I know dear, your father was supposed to take you to school on your first day. I may be a poor replacement, but I will take you there, don't worry."

- "No, better not. I don't want to be called Baby Byia right on the first day. I got enough of that already from that brat, Lodon Lunn. He hates my guts ever since we were three Tides old and I won a race against him. I can go with Paullu, considering that his school is right next to mine, right, dear brother?"

Paullu raised his eyes from the book he was reading when he felt a kick under the table. He noticed Byia's begging eyes and without knowing what she wanted, he nodded.

- "Yeah, right!"

Byia made a forced smile and turned to her mother.

- "See? All taken care of. You can go to work, I will be alright."

Teera bited her lower lip and rubbed her daughter's head again.

- "Ok, you are a big girl, you will be alright. Remember what I told you, if there's a class that you know everything about, ask the Teacher to be excused, but try to be polite with that request, the Teacher or your fellow class students might think you are being full of yourself. I don't see a point for you to be learning how to read, considering you know that already. Better to spend your time in school learning instead of getting bored, right?"

Byia nodded and continued eating while staring at the empty chair again. She missed her father so much, that she felt about to cry just by thinking on going to school without him waving at her and kissing her forehead for good luck like he used to do.


Byia was right in front of the entrance of her new school, with Paullu pushing her left shoulder to make her swim.

- "Go on, sis, you will be alright. I bet that you will make a lot of new friends, instead of that mocking brat, Guyi Mohryi, that likes to annoy me so much!"

From behind them, a familiar voice spoke:

- "Hey, why are you talking about the amazing me so early in the morning? I know I am pretty, but I don't go that way, you weirdo!"

Paullu rolled up his eyes and Byia hugged her childhood friend, unaware that such sudden attack made Guyi's heart to skip a beat.

- "I forgot you were going to school as well! Nice, we can be together during recess!"

Guyi pinched the tip of her snout.

- "What are you talking about? You are supposed to make new friends! Do you want to be stuck with an annoying brat like me for the rest of your school years? Not that I mind, but your mother wanted for you to meet some girls your age!"

Byia pointed with her left claw to a big female that was entering the school gate, with shining yellow scales.

- "Some like her? Yeah, right, like if I would ever want to be near such a big girl! You are nuts!"

Guyi shrugged and pointed with his head to every male that was looking at the yellow scaled female.

- "They don't seem to mind if they got a chance of being next to her. Look, she already has a big group of females around her, she must be popular, I guess."

- "Yeah, totally not my thing. I prefer to be on my corner, instead of having so many Dragons around me. Just the thought of it makes me shiver."

Someone pushed her to the side, and Byia blankly stared at her Nemesis, Lodon Lunn, that mocked her in a loud voice while swimming away.

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