Sing,Song and a bit of karaoke

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i finaly grew a pair of balls and thought it was but time to face the music... i know that it makes me sound like a fridge magnet but when he touched me all the muscles in me relaxed and i felt save when he was with me and asoon as i run away i felt bad for it but felt like it was the right thing to do at that time but i regret all of it...

I pulled my bedroom door open and i saw brad reting on the otherside of my door and when i opened the door his back when away with the door. "Smooth Maya, if you didnt relise then your door was a leaning post for my back..." he said in a cocky manner. " And if you was smart then you would atchery relise that this my friend is not a post...its a door" and as i said that i tapped my door ansd walked over him towards the living room.

i saw Sky and Alaska sitting on my sofa eating some chocolate... the looks on their face looked like they knew something, i cocked my head and asked "Yes, may i help you ladies" their face turned strait, dead staright as soon as i said this as if i had said something wrong, and we all knew that the girls where no way serious at all so 'something' must be up...

"Dont fall for him babes!" Sky said

"His playing you" Alaska conplained

"And he knows you will fall for it" Sky Stated

"Your not sure of you self since biff" Alaska said

"dont let him take advantage of you hunny bunny" Sky said in a cooing voice

Dont be silly cover that,,," but before she had time to finish her sentence i butted in

"i get it!" i shouted and with that they got up and left

As i walked them to the door and shut it behind me brad was leaning against the door frame near the kitchen. He must of heard everything, i felt like shit because of this "im sooo sorry,they honestly mean well..." but before i could finish my sentence brad cut in "dont worrie, i know they are doing it to protect you but that was old me but im still their and im not gonna change but i do take you seriously Maya"

OMG that was the first time he said my name userly he says princess, does that mean something... But instead of overthinking it i just went past him and went and got my self some pre-made pasta in the fridge and sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Soo, when is your apartment going to be done" i asked, "done? their was nothing wrong with it i just cant get in?" he explained.

"Days,weeks,months...Years" he laughed and i just sat their and put on a ha ha ha sarcastic kind of laugh...

As i finished up the small talk that just got awkward, i put my plate into the dishwasher, loaded it up and turned the washer on and jumped onto the sofa to watch some well earned tv. But nope, how can i get my well earned relxation time when Brad jumped ontop of me.

i whispered into his ear that was meer centermitres away from my face " I know im hard to stop touching but this is my time to relax" and with that i attempted to push him off of the top of me but as expected that never worked.

He laughed as he claimped his hand onto his chest and said " ouchh you really hurt me, you better say sorry before you hurt my feelings even more today, first you put me out in bed, then you practicly ask me to move out by asking when im leaving then you hit me...This is not looking good for you princess"

I felt really bad i had to blure out "im sorry but if i told you that i feel like i could tell you anything would you laugh?" i asked, he turned his body to me and he went " is it me or is it hot in here " and with that of went his top and thats it IM DEAD...THIRD TIME IN A WEEK!, he the asked what i said before hand i and i just shock my head and said "if you wanted to watch TV, Wow you never listen" he chuckled and flung his arm around my neck and rested his leg over me.

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