Nothing like big houses and stereo types

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One word could be happy...

I am a sooooo happy that he does not have a how would i even beable to deal with that myself?

"Wanna hold her?" he asks and i can say myself i am not at all the best person to be handed a baby... i dropped my baby cousin when she was 1 from the top of my bunkbad at my mums house and lets just say she didnt exacly ask to be dropped again...Maybe that could be why she is failing math?...

i escape my thoughts for a few seconds while he is still standing their with this little baby in his hands asking me if i want to hold her...

"Jocelyn?" i asked

"Yes, she is 6 months in 3 days"

she fits perfecly into my arms, its like babys are amound to me, she is just laying peacefully in my arms smileing back at me while she clasps her little fingers around mine. She is what every parent would dream to have as a baby child.. Beautful Emerald Eyes...Just like a gem they reflected straight off of mine.

Untill she screamed!

"OMG i hurt her, their take her back" as i hold her out in my arms asking him to take her back because if she has a self destruct button...i think i activated it...

"Noo, shhhh" he coos "Its her feed time and when she does not get it ontime then she gets a little upset and cranky"

A little? i thought i broke her she screamed just like Cardy when i dropped her from the top of the bunkbeds when i was little.

"So adopted, back on to the topic..."

"So, lets go downstairs and i will show you the orchard shall we..."

"Sure" i respond, he keeps ignoreing the question... he cant say he is adoped and then not carry on the conversation. I mean him being adoped does not make any diffrence it would just be nice to know the in's and out's of it like (Does he miss his parents?), (Does it make him hard to love...?), (Does he calls his adoption mother mum or just by her forename?) these are all questions that i need to know and they need to be answered

We come out of the room and behind me he shuts the door as a women comes in behind us and i guess she is going to go feed jocelyn...

"What is this place?" i as we go outside on to what looks like a balcony with stairs that lead to a massive like garden which i gather is the orchard?

"This is my mothers place, well my adoption mothers house, but i dont really like talking about it"

As we walk down the stairs we end up on beautful grass and a field full of daisys and it feels just like a dream as he interwines out fingers and holds his free hand behind my back and the moment was so peaceful...

"FUCKK!!!" I scream as i thrown off of my feet and a dog scoops me up into the air and im left laying on the grass with now i guess all grass stains on my new Gucci Dress that i paid over £1000 for...

"Whoops" i hear a highpitched voice call out and i feel to myself as if i reconise that voice and as im still on the floor i turn myself around and see the girl from the other night that hung from Brads waist standing at the far end of the garden with a ball thrower shouting "Cooper, come on boy"

"Brad?, What is she doing here...?"

"So this is where it gets difficult"


he helped me up and he didnt even open his mouth or bother to answer my question but i am not standing here in my best outfit in my £1000 dress that is now obviously wrecked to be mugged off

The boy who woke up in my bedWhere stories live. Discover now