Hey y'all!!! Beck (aka be_kawBOO, go check out my stories!) here! And this my dear friends, is the next chapter!
Enjoy! :)
Lora’s POV
“Awwwww arnt they adorable?” I heard Louis whisper to Harry.
“Yeah whatever… Why are we watching them sleep anyway?” Harry asked, sounding annoyed.
“Because we can. Stop being so negative.” Louis slapped the boy and walked away. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 9am. I rolled out of bed, grabbed my iPhone and walked out of the room to find the boys fighting over what movie they wanted to watch.
“Toy Story!” Liam begged.
“LEEYUM!!! We have seen it billions of times! I want to watch Bambi!” Louis shouted.
“NOOOOO I HATE BAMBI!!!!” Harry declared.
“Oh stop it baby. Its just because it makes you cry. How about Thor? Or Captain America? Or the Notebook?” Zayn asked.
“The notebook? Where did that come from?” I ask, making them all turn their heads in my direction.
“Your up! Good morning lovely!” Louis shouted.
“Ok Lou… I just woke up… hush now… your quite loud.” I chuckled.
“Get used to it deary!” He planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek, grabbed Toy Story from Liam and shoved it down his pants. “HA! YOU CAN’T GET IT NOW!” He mocked Liam.
“But I can!” Harry jumped on top of Louis, and retrieved the disk… Awkward! After I watched in silence, I noticed Ella was gone… Hmmmmm.
“Ella Bella?” I called into the room, looking to find her in her bunk. She was sitting there crying. “Aw baby what’s wrong!” I asked, wrapping my arms around my sobbing cousin.
“Luca… He… He cheated on me!” She sobbed harder. Luca was her boyfriend she had for almost 2 years.
“Oh Ella! Im so sorry! How do you know?” I asked calmly, making sure I didn’t make her more upset.
“Bailey sent me a picture of him snogging another girl.” She wiped her eyes and showed me the picture her best friend had sent.
“Honey, hes not worth your time. And if you want me to, I will personally make it so he cant enjoy life. And I’m pretty sure the boys would help me.” I smiled, hoping it would help.
“And how would you do that?” She asked, out of tears.
“Lets say he will never have a child to call his own.” I winked and she laughed. The kind of laugh that was incredibly contagious… Like Niall’s laugh… His laugh is perfect. Wait… stop thinking about Niall. Just a friend, just a friend, just a friend.
“Thanks Lora… I might take you up on that offer.” She smiled and went to shower and make it look like she hadn’t been crying.
I walked back to find the boys had decided to watch Friends.
“Good choice lads. Can’t go wrong with friends!” I sat down between Louis and Niall, and got comfortable. “So when if the first stop?” I asked.
“Ummmmm at 4:30. So in around 5 hours.” Liam replied, not looking away from the screen.
“And we are just going to sit here and watch tv all day?” I asked.
“Is there a problem with that?”
“I HAVE AN IDEA!” Louis screamed. Oh god no… I almost asked what it was but decided that it was best not to… but then Ella walked in.
“Whats your idea Louboo?” She asked.
“Truth or Dare.” He replied with a smirk… oh no… this can’t be good.
“no!” Niall, Liam, Ella and I shouted together.
“Oh come on!” Louis begged.
“Hell no!” I replied, laughing.
“Ok… your off the hook for this one time. Next time, you wont be so lucky. We WILL play before the tour is up.” He finished.
“Whatever you say…” I had a feeling this was the only time we would be able to convince him out of playing his favorite game.
5 hours later
Niall’s POV
“So where exactly are we?” Lora asked as we got off the bus and hurried into the hotel we were going to be at for 2 days.
“Um… I have no idea.” Liam responded.
“Ok then… so we are somewhere in Europe and you’re not sure where?” I asked him.
“You don’t know either. Therefore, you shouldn’t be asking me.” He stated.
“Ok then…Did Paul give you the room keys?” I asked.
“Yup. Here” He handed one to me, Harry and Lora. The rooms are Harry and Louis, Lora and Ella and you, Zayn and I. Sound good?” He asked and we nodded our heads. “Alright, then lets go. We have rehearsal in an hour.”
Ella’s POV
I was sitting on the balcony off the room Lora and I share. The boys had already gotten back froim rehersals, and it was getting late. Today was shocking. Well, first im with One Direction, and now my boyfriend cheated on me. I had called him and told him how it was over, and it hurt me more than anything. I slowly let tears fall down, and didn’t hear someone walk onto the balcony next to ours. In seconds, someone had hoped onto our balcony and sat down next to me.
“Ella? Are you ok?” I looked to see Harry with a worried expression on his face.
“Yeah… I’m ok.” I replied, holding in the tears.
“No your not.” And before I knew it I was in his arms, crying my eyes out. “Shh its ok. Let it out.” He traced circles on my back and held me tight. Within minutes I spilled the whole story about how Luca cheated on me.
“Ella. Look at me.” He gently lifted my chin so we he was staring deep into my eyes. “Any guy who cheats on you has no brain. Any one who chooses some slut over you is stupid. You’re the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on and I don’t want you to be sad because a guy, who isn’t worth your time of day, broke your heart.” Hearing those words made me cry harder. Luca had never said anything like that to me before.
“Harry?” I asked, once I had stopped crying.
“Yes love?”
“do you mean that?”
“100 percent yes.” His eyes flickered between my lips and my eyes. Soon he was slowly leaning into me, closer and closer.
Hope you liked it!! And honestly, I have no idea whats gonna to Happen next because im not writing the next chapter! im just as excited to know as yall are!!!