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"Mhmm," Storm groaned, she buried her face into her pillow. She was currently in an abundant amount of pain. Unfortunately, Storm suffered from an incurable condition called Endometriosis. It's a condition in which her tissue that normally lines her uterus grows outside her uterus.

At the moment, she was on menstruating and was suffering like she did every month. The abdominal pain she was experiencing made her feel like she was on fire. Everything was aching from her pelvic to her vagina.

She hated this so damn much.

She turned on her back with hot tears streaming down her mocha flesh. "Mom!" She cried out needing her mother's aid. She couldn't handle it anymore and needed medication.

Her mother, Savannah, soon entered her bedroom after hearing her daughter's cry. Her mother was an older beautiful chocolate woman with the warmest dark mocha eyes ever. She reminded Storm of Eudora from Princess and The Frog.

"I'm here," Her soft spoken mother assured her daughter as she searched through the drawer for her pain medication, but she was all out.

"I need some medicine," Storm mumbled with her eyes closed.

"Christian!" Savannah called out for her eldest child as she continued to search for medicine.

Christian, Storm oldest and only sibling, came into the room. He wore black basketball shorts and a white tank top. His dreads were pinned into a high messy bun. He noticed Storm was groaning and twisting in bed, he knew she was in pain. She's been suffering from her condition since she was seventeen.

"Can you take me to the store?" She questioned, patting Storm's thick thighs that were literally shaking because the pain was starting to
become unbearable.

Savannah didn't have the best vision at night, and didn't feel comfortable to drive.

"Yeah, I have to change it's suppose to rain in a few," Christian made known before exiting the bedroom.


"Thank you," Savannah smiled to the cashier after purchasing the medication for Storm. Savannah grabbed the plastic bag from off the counter and exited out the convenience store.

Right when she entered the car with Christian the rain begun to pour from the dark skies. Thunder also begun to clap along with lightening streaking in the dark purple clouds.

"Right on time," She chuckled, twisting her body to reach for her seatbelt. She pulled the strap across her chest and locked it in.

On the way home, Christian begun talking to his mother about his next semester that was starting next soon. He's a junior at Morehouse College and his major is Sports Medicine. He was very smart and also ran track for his school. His dream was to maybe one day run for the Olympics, and if that failed he wanted to be a Kinesiotherapist.

"Your father would be so proud of you," Savannah smiled, patting her sons lap. About two years ago, Greg her husband, died in a house fire at work. He was an amazing fire chief for the department of Atlanta and because of his death on duty— his wife was given a nice pension, medical insurance, & his children were given a free college education.

"Thank you that means a lot to me," He smiled focusing on the road. His father was everything to him and when he died his life wasn't the same.

They were almost off the interstate when suddenly a loud thud occurred underneath the car. Then the car begun to jerk as a rear flatten tire thudded against the highway. Christian pulled over to the shoulder to fix the problem.

"It's okay Ma. It's just a flat tire," He said looking in the side mirror as bright lights passed him as vehicles sped by.

Savannah's poor little heart was racing against her chest from the suddenly noise.

"You be careful," She blew out as she watched Christian get out his car. He was getting ready to replace the blown tire with a spare.

A cold breeze blew into the vehicle for a second before he closed the door to fix the problem.


Amir King a middle-aged black man from the other side of town was checking on his son before going to bed. He pushed open the wooden door to Malcom's room. To his surprise his three year old son was having a serious seizure in his sleep.

Amir's father instincts kicked in. He ran toward Malcolm to get a closer view of his son. Malcom small body was shaking uncontrollably on the bed, and he was starting to foam from his mouth.

He scooped up his son who was wearing a Spider-Man onesie in his arms. He rushed out the bedroom, he could hear the sound of rain and thunder outside, but he didn't have time to get dressed appropriately.

He carefully went downstairs as Malcom continued to seize in his arms. He knew if he seized more than ten minutes that it could be fatal because of the lack of oxygen to his brain.

He slid on his Nike slides on that were by the door and grabbed his Lexus keypad. He unlocked the door and ran to the car. He threw Malcom over his shoulder and opened the rear door to his vehicle. He carefully laid Malcom in the backseat and strapped in his seatbelt.

Malcom hopped in the driver seat and sped off to the direction of the hospital. He merged on the highway then sped across the slippery road.

Christian on the other hand was getting in the driver seat. He was soak from being in the rain so long.

"My poor baby all soak," Savannah commented with a small pout on her lips.

"Your food will make it all better," He chuckled, merging into the lane once he had a the opportunity.

Unfortunately, Amir was looking back at Malcom who was mumbling in his sleep after the intense seizure. Amir shifted his eyes back on the road, he slammed his foot on the brake to prevent hitting the car that was in front of him.

But unfortunately it was too late.


Amir crashed right into Christian's vehicle. Because Amir was speeding the impact was extremely powerful, and caused Christian to discharge through the windshield onto the slippery road.

Amir looked over at the passenger who was screaming and panicking. It was clear the woman was in shock. Savannah looked over at Amir and their eyes locked for only a split second before Amir sped off.

"I'm sorry," He sighed, glancing in the rear mirror. He noticed cars were starting to stop to help the victims.

He wanted to stop but he couldn't. His son needed a doctor now and that was his main priority. 


First chapter.

Hope y'all like.

Should I keep it going?

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