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The sound of needles buzzing and 90s rap filled the tattoo shop that Storm and her best friend had entered. Today was the anniversary of her fathers death, and she wanted something that she can always have that's a part of him.

"I'm all ready for you, Storm," James a nice looking white man with dark hair and bright blue eyes said. James was very popular on social media and affordable so Storm trusted him enough to tattoo on her.

"I remember you saying you wanted something simple and elegant to remind you of your father," He said pulling out the drawing he had created over the weekend.


"Here's a few drawings I sketched up for you," He said, handing her different options to pick from in his drawing book. Storm and her best friend, Yasmine, looked over the photos together. Yasmine wasn't getting tatted she was coming to support her best friend.

Immediately, the detailed dove caught her attention. It was simple but also so beautiful. Plus, the symbolic meaning of a white dove is new beginnings, peace, and love. Everything that she wanted to experience during this heartbreaking time of her life.

She picked up the dove photo, "This is the one," She told him.

His pink lips turned into a smile, "I'm glad you like. Do you know where you want it?" He asked.

"Right here," She pointed to her upper chest on the left side of her body.

"Alright, let's get started."

Right when James begin tatting Storm his best friend Amir entered the shop. Amir's been under a lot of pressure lately because of his child's health issues. He felt so useless because there was nothing he could to help Malcom.

James lifted the needle off Storm's flesh to see who entered the shop.

"Look who it is," James smiled at the sight of his best friend.

"What's good. How y'all doing?" Amir spoke to the two females as he sat in James booth with them. Yasmine eyes slightly widened at the sight of the handsome black man, he reminded her of Lance Gross.

"This your first tat?" He asked Storm. He was just being friendly to the guest of his best friends shop.

"Yeah," Storm replied as James placed the needle back against her flesh.

"Mhm," She hummed. She closed her eyes and remembered the reason she was getting the tattoo in the first place.

"It's not that bad," Amir chuckled, pulling out his phone to check his vibrating phone.

"Says the one not getting a tattoo," Yasmine replied. Storm noticed Yasmine was flirting but Yasmine was a natural flirt. She was in a whole relationship, but would flirt with every boy or girl she laid eyes on. And she wouldn't feel anything, it just comes out naturally.

"Okay, spicy mama," He laughed, picking up the sketch to see what she was getting tatted.

"What does the dove mean to you?" He asked out of curiosity.

"It means my father will always be right here," She pointed after James moved the needle.

He could hear the pain and passion behind her soft voice. "I like it," He smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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