Kurapika's Diary and Poems

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i actually got this idea from another tiktok by the user @/matzohballjuulpod !! anyway, plz enjoy reading this because i got second hand embarrassment 😺😺

Another day passed by for Kurapika.

The day wasn't anything special, but it was definitely not one of his best days, so he thought it'd be best just to relieve himself and finally vent out his feelings.

And by that, Kurapika sat at his desk with his diary.

For almost a month now, Kurapika has been writing poems and expressing his feelings through words. He believed that it helped him, and in short, it did. Kurapika would write about his friends, his rage and need of revenge, or anything special that happened on that specific day.

Today, he saw a spider.

Kurapika grabbed a pen and he opened the diary that looked a little worn out from him using it every single day. Kurapika usually took well care of his belongings though, but he just so happens to get a little aggressive when he writes and there were visible features of the book that showed so.

The cover looked as if it was about to rip and the spine of the book was weak, even though it was brand new when Kurapika had gotten it. Some corners of the pages were bent and it ruined the aesthetic look of a "diary," but Kurapika hadn't mind at all. As long as it was still there to fulfill its purpose, he was glad that he even had it.

Kurapika's hand wrote the title, which he had named it:


The word threw him off and the thought of a spider made his eyes turn scarlet while a cold feeling went against his back.

"Dammit, not that-" Kurapika scribbled the title with his pen and rubbed his eyes, in hopes that'll they'll go back to normal.

A sigh escaped his mouth and he wrote a different title:

"My Day."

Kurapika ended up getting a small grin, it was a lot better.

At least in his eyes.

"Sad. Anger. Revenge. These are the only qualities my heart possess."

Kurapika had a tendency to speak out loud as he wrote.

"I wish to never see that insect again, for my blood boils and I rage. My undying hatred for the Phantom Troupe will never disappear as I age."

Kurapika got a sly smirk to his face, thinking he was pretty classy because he made his words rhyme.

"Squished. Dead. Grotesque. That's what that spider came to be. That will also be the Phantom Troupe."

Kurapika rubbed his chin as he began to think of something more to write.

"I hate the Phantom Troupe."

Kurapika had already felt better by his new poem. He leaned back into his chair as he placed the pen down onto the desk. "..." He closed his eyes, which came back to it's regular color not too long ago.

"Kurapika? What are you doing?"

Kurapika immediately flinched and opened his eyes by the voice, but he turned his head to look at who was at his door.

"Oh, Gon. I was just writing in my diary," Kurapika answered him. He had a strong feeling to show Gon what he wrote, as he was pretty happy with how the poem came to be. "It's about the spider we saw in the kitchen."

"You have a diary?" Gon asked confusedly, but he walked over to Kurapika to see what he has wrote.

"I've had it for almost a month now. Would you like to read them?"

"I don't know how to read."

That statement alone made Kurapika look at Gon in shock. "I thought.. you just didn't know how to do math.."

"I've never went to school in my life, so just read it out loud to me." Gon gave Kurapika a smile. "I actually really want to hear it!!"

"Hear what?" There was another person at the door that caught Kurapika's and Gon's attention.

"Oh, Killua! Kurapika was just about to show me the poem he wrote about the spider in the kitchen. You know, the one he threw all the kitchen stuff at?" Gon said happily, just casually reminding Killua of Kurapika's actions.

Kurapika ended up getting red in the face, he thought that that was a little embarrassing, but he did hate spiders.

A snort was heard from Killua, but he came over to Kurapika and Gon. "Alright, let us hear it then," Killua said and crossed his arms.

"Don't forget me." Leorio had now been added to the conversation.

Kurapika sighed loudly. "I might as well have a whole crowd them, am I right?" He chuckled soft and lightly, but he was more than happy to show his friends his current poem and some others as well.

Leorio, Gon, and Killua gathered in front of Kurapika while Kurapika turned the chair he was in towards them. "The current poem I'm working on is called.. My Day." Kurapika opened the diary onto his lap.

The other three stayed in silence as they listened intently.

"Sad. Anger. Revenge. These are the only qualities my heart possess. I wish to never see that insect again, for my blood boils and I rage. My undying hatred for the Phantom Troupe will never disappear as I age. Squished. Dead. Grotesque. That's what that spider came to be. That will also be the Phantom Troupe.....

....I hate the Phantom Troupe."

Kurapika spoke the words of his short poem with so much confidence, feeling, and with a full heart. It's a shame that he was a terrible writer.

Killua looked as if he was holding in laughter, as his body was turned away from Kurapika and stifled snickering came from his mouth. Gon had his hand on the back of his head and he scratched it, looking off to the side while he had an awkward smile.

"Oh.. Um.. Yeah! Kurapika, that was amazing!" Gon shifted from his current position to applaud Kurapika.

His face was completely red. He didn't think there was anything wrong with his poem, but when he noticed the looks from Gon and Killua, a feeling of embarrassment hung over him.

He then finally looked at Leorio.

Leorio was completely emotionless looking. "What.. was that..?" He asked.

"My poem about the spider we saw in the kitchen," Kurapika answered, though he felt like he was being shamed.

"Kurapika, I need to be honest with you," Leorio looked at Kurapika straight in the eyes.

"That was total ass."

Laughter erupted from Killua, to which Gon joined into hesitantly. Kurapika's face was burning hot now and he crossed his arms angrily after he threw the diary back onto his desk.

"Leave me alone!! I was just writing my feelings out!" Kurapika exclaimed with a huff, turning his body away from all three of them.

"K-Kurapika, I'm glad that you can get your feelings out," Killua started, though he didn't finish.

"And?" Kurapika added on.

"That's it. I'm just glad you can deal with your problems differently, but your writing sucks!" Killua laughed again and Leorio snorted.

"Leave me alone!!" Kurapika repeated again. He got up from his chair and began to push all three of them out of his room.

After he managed to get them all to leave, Kurapika shut his door and locked it, then went back to his desk.

He grabbed his pen and opened his book, turning to a new page and began to write the words for the title.

"Death Note."

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