Chapter 1

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     Well, he supposes screaming is less of a conversation and more a ghost crying out for help. He ran to the spirit's side, "what's wrong? Who's dissipating you?". The ghost, through tears and wails, explained what was happening as much as he could.
     When a spirit becomes a ghost it means they attach themselves to the world they knew when they were alive. They'll tie themselves to an object or place, sometimes even people. If one wants to rid themselves of a ghost all they have to do is destroy that person, place, or thing; in doing so the spirit will be forced to go into their next life. This particular ghost was attached to their grave. A grave that was deep in the forest.
     Robbie with a deep sigh and slight panic for his ghost friend, set off into the forest.
     A 30 minute drive later, and another 40 minute walk later. He found himself, roughly around the grave; or at least what he thought was the grave. The dense forest didn't make way for for any moonlight, and all Robbie had was a shitty little flashlight. Internally he cursed himself, and made a mental note to buy a better light when he got back into town. He didn't quite know why he was doing this; who's to say the ghost wasn't already gone. He reminded himself he had promised the man he'd at least try to save him. Continuing his trudge towards the man's grave, he quickly stopped in his tracks.

     Thump                               Thump




     Who was there? Was it whoever was dissipating his ghost friend? Hurriedly, he ran towards the noise with renewed strength and determination. Pointing his dinky light straight forward; he could hear cursing.
     "Who's there?", the voice slurred. They sounded young; could a child really be the one digging up a grave? As Robbie made his way towards the figure that was now in front of him, he noted they were quite short compared to him. Holy shit, this really was a child.
     "Why are you digging up a grave, kid?" He retorted. The other person huffed.
     "Answering a question with a question's rude, ya know. And I'm not a kid, I'm..", the voice trailed off. Seemingly remembering Robbie was a stranger. A stranger he met in the woods in the middle of no where. He supposed he couldn't blame the kid for being wary. Something about the stranger seemed familiar to him though. He couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.
     "Fine, I'm sorry. I'm looking for a-... grave robber. I thought maybe you were them.", Robbie was hesitant to give out information too.
     "I'm not a grave robber! I'm.. a journalist. I came here to look for somethin'.", the kid seemed even more hesitant to give out information now that Robbie stated his cause.
     "A journalist? The hell is a journalist doing in the woods in the middle of the night?"

     "I told ya I'm lookin' for somethin'!"

     "For what?! It's the middle of the night!"

     "Yeah well what're you doin' here then?!"

     Silence. Robbie couldn't deny his reasoning sounded weird too. The kid didn't seem afraid of him, or what he could do if he was an armed criminal or a monster. Not that he would do anything to them, it was just strange they blew caution to the wind the way they did. What was it? What was so familiar about this kid to him?
     Robbie let out a sigh, "I'm looking for a grave, someone's destroying it right now.". The kid seemed to ease up at those words.
     "How do ya know it's bein' destroyed?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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