Throw a Ball

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Despite both tradition and his council's suggestions, Father did not hold an open funeral. My thought is he simply did not want to be made a spectacle while he is in such a fallen state. But not even a King could hide the pain he is enduring.

Arabella and I stand on either side of him, staring down in the grass that holds the ashes of my mother. Spreading her ashes in the garden was a bit tasteless to me. However, it was her favorite place through out the castle. I did not dare make any interjections.

Father and I, despite recent tensions, did not further antagonize one another. We have had enough happen to us as of late, and even through my own anger I cannot allow myself to further upset him.

The garden is wonderful. I need not wonder how they fell in love in such a place. The roses blossom in colors of all available, each whimsically organized to create the perfect mural against the bushes. The summer leaves the garden as bright as ever. The day is far too nice for the occasion. 

As dusk begins to approach, bright gold light hues peak through the crevices between the leaves, leaving my features gold in my dark attire. With a heavy breath, I rest my hand upon my father's shoulder. He doesn't acknowledge my action. I break such contact, turning from the garden to retreat back inside to my room. I hope the night will be less beautiful.

I spend little time to dwell afterwards. It is not far past sunset that I make my way to Arabella's room to converse with her. Whether for comfort or for my agenda, I know not.

"Edith," She greets as I approach her. She sits on the edge of her grand bed.

"I've only come to check on you. Do you feel alright?" I ask, sitting next to her.

"As well as can be expected, I suppose. And what of you?"


"You and mother were especially close, were you not?"

I pondered. I had spent days shedding tears when there were no eyes to observe, sobbing heavily when there were no ears to listen. Today was the first day I did not allow any sadness to make itself known. Only through the weight on my chest can I feel.

But I had no time to dwell on such. Though my world has stopped, the real one continued. The ottomans continue approaching. It's best I throw my attention into something I can change.

Starting with the crown.

"We were, yes. But life stops for no one. Not even you or I." I dismiss. She nods sadly.

"I suppose so, yes." 

I take a deep breath, turning to face Araebella fully before speaking. "So what is it that is happening between you and Tad?" I gossip, hopeful to change the subject. Arabella appears grateful a brief moment, but it fades as her thoughts stray once again.

"I know not," She exhales. "He believes we should stay put. That it is best we continue as we have."

"Why is that?"

"You know Thaddeus has always been a man of honor. He refuses the assistance I offer, saying that it is his responsibility."

"That is ridiculous," I scoff, folding my hands in my lap. "It will never work."

"I have told him such!" Arabella stands in frustration. "He claims he can gather enough for us to leave one day, but I fear that one day will not come until many others."

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