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I spend the next two weeks organizing Arabella's ball. I decided on a masquerade, figuring it will complicate the selection of a bachelor, and compliment my plan very well.

Days before the ball, I'm standing in the ballroom, workers around me construct the room. "I want tables set up outside the dancing space, an circumference." I tell the girl in front of me. "Candles will be dim, and few in number."

"Invitations went out last week, yes?" I further question. She nods wordlessly. "Wonderful."

"I see you are making great progress," Father's voice rings from behind me. I dismiss the girl and turn to him. Arabella stands behind him.

"Indeed. We are to finish tomorrow night." I agree. "We will have the ball Thursday night,"

"Oh wonderful," He cheers. "Is it not, Arabella?"

She nods half-heartedly. "It truly is, Father. You have done wonderful so far, Edith."

"Your sister and I must go, I am afraid," Father spins to me. "We have a meeting to attend to,"

"Of course," I nod, turning to Arabella. "Father, I ask to borrow Arabella for only a moment,"

Father nods, walking out of the ballroom, a drunken hop in his step. I look to Arabella, who's seemingly exhausted. Though I am more than upset with Father, I cannot help my concern.

"Is Father alright, Arabella?" I ask, watching as he exits the room.

"I know not. Much of the time we spend together is spent with a bottle of wine, as well." She tells me. "He has not handled mother's death well. If he is not drinking, he is suffering the consequences of it."

"I see...."

"You should go," I tell her. "He waits for you"

"Farewell, Edith."

I turn back to my task, diminishing the feeling of worry in my chest. He is not worth it.

No one is.

Thursday night comes slow. I do not know if I am grateful.

I have already sent word to father that I feel too unwell to attend the ball. That was hours ago. Now that the masquerade is to begin soon, my plan is as well.

I've stolen servant clothes from the kitchen in hopes of making the escape from my room go unnoticed. Once the old cloth is on me, I tuck my gown underneath the dark tunic.

I make my way into the corridor, cautious of my surroundings. The hall outside my door is empty, most likely all servants were called to assist the event. I give a silent thanks and creep down the hall, slipping out the door to the tunnels.

Entering the tunnels, the air is cool from the chilling stones that surround it. My boots sink into the damp dirt beneath my feet, allowing me to walk quietly. This however, does not allow me to go unnoticed. As I turn the corner of the tunnel, I nearly fall back at the sight of a man in front of me.


"I see you know of the tunnels." He smirks as I stumble back.

"Of course," I huff, folding my arms. "What are you doing here?"

"Late training, Princess. This is how we reach our quarters." He pauses, visibly thinking as he scans my body. I squirm as his eyes boldly rake from my toes of my boots up to my head.

"Are you wearing servants clothes?"

"You know I always have my own agenda, Eugene." I dismiss. As he continues to observe me, an idea comes to mind.

"I don't suppose you would be willing to assist me, Eugene?" I ask coyly.

"What is it you need, Princess?"

"What is the best way to get to the ballroom entrance unseen from here?"

He barks a laugh at my bold question, the sound echoing off the stone of the passage. "What is it you're up to, Edith?"

"I cannot say just yet." I inform him. "However, if I succeed I believe it will be of our best interest,"

His eyes widen at that, furrowing his dark brows. "That is not reassuring,"

"Oh just help me will you?" I beg, impatiently. An idea sparks at my desperation. "Besides, I am sure there are better things you and I could be doing together than discussing this,"

My words catch him by surprise, the lift of his brows telling me so. He is not nearly as surprised as I, when he approaches me, my back leaning against the stone of the tunnel as he hovers over me.

"Are you trying to seduce me, Princess?" He questions, his arm braced next to my head. The hazel of his eyes appear more brown in the dim light.

"That would be highly inappropriate," I say, matter-of-fact.

He only chuckles. "Would not be the first time I have seen you act so unlady-like."

"I am a very proper woman, Eugene." I retort.

"This I know. But what benefits would I reap in this ordeal?" He provokes, his voice lowering.

"Keeping your position, Lieutenant," I whisper back. He rolls his eyes, pushing himself back, rekindling the distance between us.

"Come on, Princess. I know the way." He begins walking down the tunnel, not turning back to assure I follow.

I follow anyway.

"This would be it," Eugene stops abruptly in front of me, causing me to nearly collide with his backside.

We stand in a field, separated by a lake that reflects the pale light of the moon, breaking the skies darkness. From across the water, entrance of the castle swarms with people in colors of many.

"On the left of the crowd, you will find a servant corridor. You can get in unseen." He tells me, turning to face me.

"Thank you, Eugene." I say, genuine.

"It is only my duty, Princess."


I pull my dress from underneath my tunic, turning my gaze to Eugene. "I must change."

He looks at the bundle of cloth, and laughs gently. "Have a good night, Princess. Enjoy the ball,"

As he takes his leave, I check my surroundings one more time, and I strip. I pull over my gown, white silk fabric that hugs my body, a dark blue cape attached to my waist that drags in the back. The exposure of my shoulders, neck and arms is sure to do it's job of catching the attention of others. Rather the attention of one individual, specifically.

I pull on my mask of silver, an extravagant pattern of femininity.

I mumble a quick prayer of luck, following Eugene's route making my way to the ball.

And beginning my plan for Queen.

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