My Ability

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Y/N: What!

You woke up and found yourself in Franxius,

Tohka: I am relieved that you are okay!Y/N.

Y/N: What about Shido?

Kotori strolled into the room

Kotori: Don't worry about, he is just outraged by what he saw.

Y/N: I see. It must be overwhelming for him. Tohka you should go to Shido.

Tohka: If you say so,

Tohka step out of the room

Kotori: You should be more worried about yourself

Y/N: What do you mean?

Kotori: It is seen that you can't activate your spirt power for temporary

Y/N is really shocked to hear that.

Kotori: You are an artificial spirt right.

Then Reine started to walk in,(Not Rinne)

Reine: Normally, the human body can't withstand the power of spirt
Even if they are lucky, the spirt power will overwhelm your mind and control you.

Y/N: Then what about me?

Kotori: When we are analyzing you, we found your strange ability that inhabits spirt power.

Reine: In another word, you can absorb spirt power and make your own power just like looting spirt power.

Kotori: Even the little spirt power will be sufficient.

Y/N: Then why can't l active spirt power right now.

Kotori: It is pretty simple because you haven't mastered that power.

Y/N:l see.

Reine: Don't worry! A good night sleep will sufficient for you to reactive your spirt power again.

Y/N look at the time and it is already 6 pm.

Y/N: Oh l have to go now.

Kotori: What?

Y/N: Rinne is probably waiting for me at the dinner table.

Kotori: Jeez, always her on the first.

You got teleported in front of your house, you open the door and saw,

Rinne: Welcome home.

Y/N: I am home.

(This is not the daily update to the story, l will update another in two hours. This is information about your ability.)

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