Observations of a Pure-blood Heir

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It wasn't everyday that Tom Riddle was aggressively making out with Harry Potter outside the library. There was a lot of tongue involved and Lucius even heard the Potter heir whimper as his hands, which were formerly fisted on Tom’s robes, made their way desperately into his hair.

Lucius almost fainted.


Lucius Malfoy caught sight of a messy black hair and sighed as he was abruptly made to turn into another hallway by Tom Riddle. His friend made it seem so casual, and his face was unreadable as always. But it was happening for a month now and Lucius was getting tired of being dragged by the arm mercilessly.

“I thought we were going to the library?” Lucius tried his best to look innocent as Tom looked at him.

“I forgot something.” Ah, even his excuses were getting weak. Tom never forgot anything. Lucius smirked as he watched the taller boy lead the way to where he supposedly forgot something. Tom could deny it all he wanted, but almost everyone in Hogwarts knew what was really happening.

Tom Riddle was avoiding Harry Potter.

And Harry Potter was avoiding Tom Riddle.

Although it was the hottest gossip in Hogwarts, it was common knowledge to feign ignorance when one of them blatantly ignored the other if they didn’t want to end up in the infirmary with an untraceable jinx. Of course Lucius knew that Tom was vicious with hexes but it was Potter who was truly brutal.

The sixth year Slytherin was incredibly brilliant as was he unnecessarily prideful. But Harry Potter always acted as though he had to prove something.

He was exactly like Tom Riddle.

Before the two pretended the other didn’t exist, they already couldn’t stand each other.

Tom Riddle, intellectual and unchallenged, reigned supreme in Slytherin and Hogwarts. He was constantly breaking records and breaking hearts, charming faculty and students alike, and silently gloating about being a half-blood yet doing better than his pureblood counterparts.

Then Harry Potter came.

Equally as bright and as charismatic, Harry wasted no time in advancing to intermediate classes in his first year.

Harry Potter and Tom Riddle took one long look at each other in advanced Potions and decided they hated each other. Both of them always had their hand in the air for every question a professor threw, and were always equally excelling in exams.

Harry Potter became frustrated with the fact that he couldn’t quite surpass Tom as easily as he did Hermione Granger, the smartest witch in his year. And Tom Riddle couldn’t stomach the fact that the boy was as prodigious as him in all things except Quidditch. Because Harry was better. In fact, he was the best in the school—the youngest seeker in Hogwarts history.

They were always just looking at each other murderously while silently competing to be the best.

Until they weren’t.

They had been obviously trying to contain their disdain for each for too long and it wasn’t until Harry was in their third year and Tom in his fourth that it all finally blew over.

Lucius couldn’t even believe the first time Tom Riddle had lost his cool and called out Harry Potter for his ‘lazily researched paper’. It was angriest Lucius had seen his friend, and the man barely had any facial expressions. Tom Riddle had scoffed—scoffed!—at Harry and blatantly pointed out the outdated research material Harry used.

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