Intro : The Vow

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"Jonathan Marco,"

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"Jonathan Marco,"

"Will you have this woman to be your wedded wife?"

"I will."

"Sheena Averyl,"

"Will you have this man to be your wedded husband?"

"I will."

"Marco and Sheena, now I invite you to join hands and make your vows in the presence of God and his people," ujar sang officant dengan wajah yang masih terpaku menatap buku ditangannya. "then repeat after me."

(*) Officant : Penghulu.

Marco mengangguk samar dan memiringkan posisi tubuhnya menjadi berhadapan dengan satu satunya wanita yang kini berdiri berdampingan bersama dirinya diatas altar.

"I, Jonathan Marco,"

"I, Jonathan Marco." ulang Marco.

"take you, Sheena Averyl to be my wife,"

"take you, Sheena Averyl to be my wife."

Sheena tersenyum samar tanpa melepas pandangannya kepada manik beribu bintang milik Marco yang juga terus menatap dirinya.

"I promise to be true to you, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health,"

"I promise to be true to you, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health." ucap Marco sesekali mengelus punggung tangan Sheena.

"I will love you and honor you all the days on my life till death do us part,"

"I will love you and honor you all the days on my life till death do us part."

Kemudian Sheena membalik posisi tangannya lalu mengulang sumpah yang sama seperti Marco, mengikuti sang officant.

"Heavenly father by your blessing, let these rings be to Marco and Sheena as a symbol of unending love and faithfulness, to remind them of the vow and convenant which they have made this day through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

Kedua cincin mempelai dibawa ke hadapan Marco dan Sheena, mereka mengambil dan memasangkan satu sama lain secara bergantian.

"Sheena I give you this ring,"

"Sheena I give you this ring." ulang Marco pelan sambil meraih cincin yang disiapkan dengan penuh hati-hati.

"as a sign of our marriage with my body I honor you,"

"as a sign... of our marriagㅡ"

Marco yang terlalu fokus mengingat kata demi kata yang keluar dari mulut sang officant, ternyata sukses membuat kinerja otak serta tindakan dirinya tidak sinkron sehingga cincin pernikahan yang ada di tangannya tergelincir jatuh ke lantai.

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