Episode 1

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Names, Locations and A Few details have been altered for personal reasons. Stay tuned as we bring you interesting stories and first hand experiences of Life.

Is that blood i see? My brother asked. I couldn't move, i was dumb founded, yes i know that's my brother, the only surviving one of the 3 sons my mother bore. In my head, a voice agreed with me, confirming that's sani and this was home but somehow, i couldn't coin the pieces of how i got there and why. I can see sani, maimuna his wife, and that should be hajjo my sister and 3 kids i assume are sani's staring at me in fright but i couldn't understand why. I was in a battle with my brain trying to understand what was happening when i felt itchy, i itched like i wanted something, my usual dose but i think a double of it would help me think, fix puzzles and solve this equation once and for all. My brother's touch again brought me out of my thoughts as he tried to adjust the 2months old rags torn into shreds i wore deceptively convincing myself that i was dressed, i didnt have a choice, it was either that or staying naked. Again, my brother, Sani repeated himself asking if that was blood bursting out of my skin, eyes and nostrils but i could barely hear him. Just when he held me by the shoulder and tried to shake me out of oblivion, i felt myself succumb to the weakness that i had been fighting. Slowly, i fell to the floor and from afar i heard maimuna scream Innalillahi wa inna ilaihir rajiun. I sprawled on the floor in the pool of my blood unable to speak or move a finger but i could see from abstruse that they were in obvious shock, mouthing words i couldn't make sense out of. Again, i felt life leave my body, this time, even my eyes couldn't stay open. Abruptly, i felt myself in the air, have i suddenly become an angel ? i was flying, did i grow wings ? Why did it take this long to grow them if i did grow them.. oh wait, something else caught my attention, the wind, sweet breeze underneath my skin. This breeze came with some cool serenity taking away all my physical and emotional pain. If this is heaven then i don't want to come back to earth, not to my body, not to my battered skin and definitely, not to Majid. Oh majid, the love of my life. I woke up to blurry faces and a white room containing medical equipments, It all makes sense now why everywhere seemed peaceful and serene a while ago, i was being lifted and taken to the hospital after i slumped. I couldnt make much of what was happening but i saw relief on maimuna's face and heard her ask hajjo to call in the doctors where i heard them say i had been out for about a week. I soon went lucid again.

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