I Can Teach You (Chapter 1)

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"Hey Mitch!! Wait up!" I heard Kirstie yell after me as I walked towards the school. Kirstie was my best friend. We've been friends since kindergarten, she had a crush on me in grade 7 and when she found out I wasn't into girls she simply said "What a waste of a pretty face." I didn't really know what she meant by that and I still don't but it doesn't really matter. She was the only person I was really comfortable with so that's why we were besties.

"Hey Kirstie. What's up?" We pushed through the front doors and stepped into the somewhat crowded hallways. "You are never going to believe what just happened!!!" She gripped my arm and squealed loudly. "Owwww Kirstie!! Calm down, your cutting off the circulation in my arm." She loosened her grip and let her arm loop into mine. "Sorry. I'm just so happy!!!!" She squealed again.

We walked towards my locker. "So what happened?" I asked as I started turning my lock.

She came closer. "Ok so you know Avi right?" I nodded. "Ok so you know how I've had a crush on him for a long time and I've been flirting with him and stuff and he's been flirting with me too and were like super close now?" I nodded again and reached for my books. "So this morning before I met up with you he came up to me and asked me if we wanted to go out on a date!!!" She practically screamed the last sentence. Now it was my turn to squeal. "OH MY GOD!!! Kirstie!!!! I'm so happy for you!" I grabbed her hands and we jumped up and down like little kids.

"What the hell is with all that squealing!?" We heard a locker slam shut and turned our heads to the source. It was Scott Hoying. The most popular sex shark in school. Maybe even in town.

He had this reputation. He always got into fights and always had sex. Everyone feared him so no one messed with him.

Well no one in school at least.

I feared him the most, he was a scary guy and I did not want to be involved with him. Luck doesn't exist for me though. My locker is only 4 down from him and we have homeroom together since I take some senior courses. So this is basically the worst year of my life.

He glared and started walking towards us. He slammed my locker shut, almost catching my fingers. I gulped when he leaned in close. He knew I was scared of him. I bet he could smell my fear.

"Didn't you hear me?" I could feel myself trembling. "I asked a question." I couldn't move let alone speak. That's when Kirstie, my hero, saved the day.

"W-Were sorry." He snapped his head in her direction. "We...we just got overly excited." She was looking anywhere but at him. She was scared too. Anyone would be in our situation.

He snarled and looked at me once more. "I don't want to hear it ever again." I nodded weakly. He hit the locker next to me and walked away. When he turned the corner and was out of sight I exhaled loudly. I was pretty much holding my breath the whole time.

"Oh. My. God." Kirstie was clearly shocked and I was still silent. I realized that a few people were staring at us, they probably saw the whole thing and felt bad. I always felt sympathy for the ones that caught Scott's attention.

"That was terrifying." I looked at the locker next to me. It was dented. You could clearly see the outline of Scott's fist.

Kirstie saw it too. "Boy, you really are unlucky." I pouted. "I really am." I sighed. "Anyways tell me details about the date so I can get my mind off this whole fiasco." She smiled and grabbed my arm again. We were walking towards her first class.

"Ok well he didn't even really give me details either but he said that he has a whole day planned just for us and that its gonna be super fun and I can't wait. I'm so excited!!!!" I smiled. "I'm really happy for you babe, Avi is such a sweet guy. You guys are gonna be together forever." She giggled, when we stopped in front of her class she turned to me and hugged me tight. "Thanks Mitch. I love you so much." She squeezed me tightly and I did the same. "You'll find someone soon too."

She pulled back and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you at lunch." I waved to her as she went into class and sat next to Avi. I smiled and walked away towards my class.

I got there and sat in my usual seat. The seat next to the window in the back of the class has always been my seat. I didn't really like interacting with people but the girl who sat next to me, Naomi, was a sweet girl and we talked sometimes during class but never hung out because she was a senior.

I always made it to class before her so when I heard her seat scratch against the floor I turned with a smile on my face. "Good morn-" I stopped mid sentence when I saw that it wasn't Naomi. "Scott....." I whispered his name under my breath. He slumped down into the seat.

I turned away quickly when he caught me staring. 'Why the hell is he sitting next to me? Where's Naomi?' My thoughts got cut off when the teacher stepped into the class and started teaching immediately.

"I suggest everyone take notes. This is definitely going to be on the exam." I would have been taking notes but Scott wasn't the only hot guy in this class. 3 seats across from me sat James Patender. In my perspective he was the second hottest guy in school and I had the biggest crush on him. He was sweet, funny, kind, and he loved animals and music and he was absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

I wanted to talk to him multiple times but I've always been too shy and he's a senior so that makes it even worse.

I flinched when I felt Scott's foot make contact with my chair. I stopped staring at James and looked down at my notebook. It was blank but I didn't care.

"What the hell were you staring at?"

I stayed silent. No one else heard him because everyone was too busy gossiping about other random things. He pushed my chair with his foot and I wobbled.

"Did you fucking hear me?" I looked at him a little shocked and scared. "I-I....ummm I..." I couldn't really form words. 'Why was he even talking to me?'

The bell rang suddenly and I bolted from my seat. I would do anything to get away from Scott. I ran to my next class and texted Kirstie before the bell rang again.

Queen Bitch: Another encounter with Satan....I'm dead X_X

Beautiful Princess: Awww, sorry bb I'm praying for you

The bell rang and I put my phone away. Just 3 more classes until the end of the day. Thank god Scott was only in one of them.

A/N: To Be Continued.

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