I Can Teach You (Chapter 17)

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Classes finished slowly like usual and lunch passed too quickly like usual but the end of the day eventually came and I was ready for the trip to Scott's house.

Nothing was going to bring down my mood after James had noticed me and seemed to show his concern for me this morning.

I subconsciously smiled as I put my books away in my locker.

"What's got you in such a happy mood?"

My smile immediately vanished as I heard Scott's voice resonate through the now empty hallway.

I ignored him and slammed my locker shut. I turned around in the other direction and started walking towards the exit.

"Oh come on Mitchy. You can't ignore me forever." He smirked as he caught up to my side.

I stopped and turned to him. I pushed him in the chest and glared at him angrily.

"And why the fuck not?!"

His smirk grew into a wide grin and he stepped closer into my personal space.

He got really close and I didn't do anything but wait. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction that his closeness bothered me.

"You won't because you like what I can make you feel."

He whispered close to my ear. I felt his breath on my neck and I couldn't help but shudder.

His words rang true and I hated myself for it.

He stepped back and looked at my flustered face. He knew he'd won.

"Can-can we just go please?" I looked around nervously making sure no one was watching our interaction but everyone had already left this hell hole.

Even Kirstie had left with Avi again. Of course I let her, it's not like I have any control of what she does, and he makes her happy so why should I care?

I walked with Scott to his car and he started driving to our destination.

I decided to keep quiet but there was a question in the back of my mind that was just itching to come out.

"Hey umm...Scott?"

He glanced over at me to show that he was listening and then brought his attention back to the road.

"I wanted to ask you about Avi?"

He hummed. "What about Avi?"

"Umm, well is he a good guy? I mean I know you guys are close and all, and I'm still wondering why he came over that one time?"

Scott sighed. I probably asked too many questions but this time I wasn't afraid to ask them.

"I've known Avi since I was 5. He's been there for me since the very beginning and I still don't understand how he didn't turn out worse then me. He's honestly the greatest guy I know. Why are you asking though?"

I shuffled in my seat and looked at the passing trees and cars.

"Oh it's nothing, I was just wondering. But you didn't answer me on why he came over the other day?"

Scott shrugged. "He wanted to borrow something that I had to impress some chick."

My head snapped towards Scott.

When he looked at me confused I looked away. He didn't need to know that my best friend was dating his best friend. I feel like it would just make things more complicated.

"Anyways I'm glad to see you finally talking to me again."

His hand inched closer to mine and he intertwined our fingers. I frowned and snatched my hand away from his.

"Just because I'm talking to you, doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you."

I noticed that we had stopped moving and were parked in his driveway.

I immediately got out and started marching to his garage door.

I heard Scott groan and slam his car door angrily.

I don't know why but this just angered me more. Something flared in my stomach and my mouth started moving on it's own.

"Why the fuck are you acting all angry now? Huh?"

I screamed at him as he started moving closer to me.

"Are you the one that got his feelings messed with? Are you the one who is emotionally unstable? Are you the one who decided to try something new and trust someone with their body only to have it pushed against every surface and bruised to the very bone?"

By this point I was seething with rage. My hands were balled into fists and I could feel the heat radiating off my face.

"Answer me you asshole!!!"

Scott, who had looked angry coming up to me, seemed to have actually listened to what I said. His expression was...it was sad. It looked like he could actually care...


Scott's face was looking down at his shoes now and he mumbled something I didn't hear.

"What was that?" I asked with pure annoyance.

Scott looked up with his sad expression and immediately my anger left me. I unclenched my fists and waited for him to say something.

"I-I said...that I'm sorry..."

My mouth opened slightly.

I was shocked.

Scott Hoying was...apologizing. And he was apologizing to me?

He started moving towards me again. He went slowly as not to startle me like a new kitten being placed into a new home.

"I'm really sorry Mitch."

He reached up to wipe away the tears that I hadn't realized we're falling.

"I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I know I did a terrible thing but when I thought of you possibly being with James, I panicked."

My hands stayed at my sides as he reached one of his hands to grab onto mine. He lifted up one of my hands and kissed it gently. He lifted the sleeve of my sweater and saw the bruise.

His face seemed to get even sadder at this. He kissed my wrist tenderly.

"I'm so incredibly sorry Mitch."

I couldn't say anything. I just kept on crying as the man I have now fallen in love with kissed the wounds that he had caused.

I pulled my hand away from his lips so that I could wrap them around his neck. I brought him close and hugged him as I cried into his neck.

"D-don't leave me Scott...I'm-I'm sorry for yelling at you...please don't hate me..."

He smiled weakly as he hugged me tightly. I felt him kiss my head sweetly.

"Don't apologize for anything baby. You did nothing wrong."

We stayed like that for a while. We didn't do anything but hold onto each other like our life depended on it.


He hummed and pulled away from our embrace so he could see my face. He brushed my bangs to the side and kissed my cheek.

"What is it baby?"

I blushed at the little nick name.

"Can we go inside now?"

He nodded and held onto my hand tightly as we made our way inside.

I felt like I couldn't breathe when I was with him anymore. If today didn't show that he had some kind of feelings towards me then I didn't know what did.

A/N: To Be Continued.

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