Part 5

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Guys come here! I say as I pat the place next to me on the sofa. They both sat in either sides so I got you this as Tony spoke that you both are good at dancing. So to make you popular we have to use tiktok as a boost. And for tiktoks you need a phone so I got you these. They are already set up . Mine is red, ondre green, Tony purple

Thanks Annie! They both said giving me a hug but ondreaz pulling me off of the hug from Tony and giving him a death glare. Ok bro! He said holding his hand up and me laughing. So ondreaz lets.go for the drive and we will go to the mall. I will buy you guys cloths. I spoke. Ok said ondre as we got inside his car.

I told him how to drive now we are off to the mall. So Dre don't be overwhelmed as a lot of fans will co.e to take pictures with me just go to the place you want to go any store and pick  some cloths for you and Tony . Oo-kk he said scared . Don't be scared bub . We got out as I got swamed by fans. Guys can we pls take a minute. I spoke to the fans 

Guys this is ondreaz lopez I want you to give him love not cuz he is my friend but for his work and he is working really hard with his brother Tony Lopez . Give them love like you gave it to every member in your life. Never forget to give something to someone.

 They cheered. Now can we go to the mall pls and I will do another meet and greet with the brothers. Ok bub come let's go! I spoke to ondre as he held my hand

We went to different stores but I feel like ondreaz is not even looking at GUCCI, LOUIS ,BALANCIAGA. Bub let's go to Gucci I told dre. I don't want anything expensive neither does tony! He spoke . But I do, I said as I pulled him in the store .

I bought him a lot of designer even if he didn't want it. We got to taco bell before we went to the house. Once we reached the house we have Tony his new cloths as they both went to place it in their closet as I prepared their lunch. I was thinking something when I felt someone hug me from the behind.

Hey bub! I said knowing it is Dre . How did you know that? My talents I said

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