Part 11

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I sat in my room sobbing not knowing what to do. I just confronted ondre. I think I went a little harsh on him but I think it was stable. Even though we might not be a couple but I would love to be his friend at least have attention. Well out of that they each have 5 million and they are verified in just a month like that is so crazy but today I want to pour my emotions out in my studio. As I was thinking there was a knock on the door. Come in! I shouted. And there was ondre with a frown on his face.

He came in my room laid on my bed and cuddled with me to show that he is upset. What happened? I asked. I am sorry! He replied. Why nothing is your fault it's all my fault. I said. I made you insecure I made you sad, I made you hurt your hand,I made you suffer, I am the reason you are unhappy. He spoke as he held my hand that was hurt and cried in my shoulder.

It's ok Dre, I am used to it you don't need to apologize! I spoke. Ok can you cuddle with me and not go? He asked with hope in his eyes. Yes! I said as we cuddled and we fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning as I stretched and saw a cute ondre cuddled to me . He is so cute! I thought . I had to wake him up so that I can go to my studio and change. I played with his hair.till he woke up. I did miss him though. Good morning! I said cutely as he slowly opened his eyes. Morning! He said in a raspy voice while caressing my cheeks. Wow you have really nice cheeks. He spoke while brushing them. Well thank you and get up.

Why? He asked frowning. Cuz I got to change and I have to go to the studio to write music. Can I come with you,we can have canes and can I stay here and see you change? He asked with hope in his eyes. Yes,yes,no! I said as he frowned why can't I see you change? He spoke Because! I say . Now go I have to change! I spoke as I pushed him near the door. I am going! He spoke . Ok! I said , I am going! He spoke again not even moving.

Just go! I said as I slammed the door. This needy boy! I spoke. I HEARD YOU! He spoke behind the door. THEN LEAVE!  I spoke to the boy outside the door. FINE! He replied. I sighed as I got ready. I thought that Tony can postmate his food cuz we are running late for our studio.

I went downstairs as I saw ondre cooking food for Tony .I was surprised when did he learn to cook like he has been here for 2 months. WHAT,HOW,WHEN,WHO? I say to them. Annie chill he learnt it from you while you were cooking. Spoke Tony . Ok ondre what are you making for Tony? I asked ondre . Chicken soup! He  said popping the ppppp. Ok let me taste it I say as I took the spoon and took a little from this

 Ok let me taste it I say as I took the spoon and took a little from this

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Wow! Thats so good I spoke as I gave the rest to Tony . Well I see you bro! I say as ondre gave me a look that says that "the fuck why did you call me bro?"  What? I Spoke to dre. Nothing let's go? He asked. Ok I spoke . You wanna drive? I spoke. Sure ! He replied . Let's take the BMW I spoke . As we sat there ondre started driving to my studio. Once I got there we entered there. Ondre sat their on his phone as I started singing in the studio.

Wow ! He spoke as I started singing,closing his phone and listening to the song. Once I finished I went to him. Wow Annie you are really good! He spoke as he gave me a hug. I smiled as a response. He told that he is going to the washroom and to wait outside . I waited there as a man came to me as he put both of his hands in either side of the wall that he pushed me into. Well,well,well who do we have here? He spoke. Pls leave me my boyfriend is coming he is going to kill you. I spoke

Well I don't see him! H e spoke . There he is! I spoke pointing at ondre as he came outside as I ran to him and hugged him tightly sobbing. Hey what happened? Asked ondre. Well sir are you this girl's boyfriend or is she fake ing it? Asked the man. I am his girlfriend! I spoke to the man. Let him speak you idiot! The man spoke. 

Well I am .........Spoke ondre

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