Chapter 4:Meeting the leader of team skull

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A new day has comes Ash and his Pokémon wake up and in Rotom case well has he turns on they head down

Ash:Good morning
Kukui:Good morning Ash could you get burnet she's well you know
Ash:Yeah I'm on it

Has gets out lapras and together go to the deeper of the water where they see burnet well doing some research has Ash touches her shoulder telling her to come up has they hold on to lapras and go up and head to the inside of the house

Burnet:Are we all set
Kukui:Yeah Breakfast is ready
Ash:Great I'm hungry

After having breakfast Ash returns his Pokémon and hops on Pidgeot and well puts Rowlet in the bag pack

Ash:I'll see you there Professor
Kukui:Yeah you be careful in the sky
Ash:Right let's go pidgeot

Has they fly on the way the see Mallow and decide to pick her up he was still thinking when to tell her his feelings but not yet

Ash:Need a ride
Mallow:Ash wait what you say
Ash:If you come with me we could get there faster so coming
Mallow:Sure thanks Ash-mind:Not yet but had least is gonna be nice doing this with Ash

Has she hops on the fly to the sky on the way the meet up with Kiewai

Kiewai:Ash and Mallow Alola

Has they land safely they return there flying types has Ash takes out his Alola and two kalos Pokémon and go inside weir has they reach the room Lillie,Lana weir there

The two:Alola you three
Kiewai:Sophocles is not here yet
Sophocles:I'm here I'm here

Has they take there sites they wait for Professor Kukui to come

Sophocles:So what do you guys think Professor Kukui will do for the league
Ash:Don't know I just want to compete
Kiewai:Your not the only one
Sophocles:But I'm a bit worried are you three sure you want to compete I mean I know Lana could do well with Primarina and Eevee and Mallow has Tsareena and Shaymin which is a mythical Pokémon but I'm worried about you Lillie Snowy strong but it's the only Pokémon you have has for the rest of us Ash a more Pokémon,Kiewai has three and the rest of us have two
Lillie:I know that but I still want to try
Ash:That's the spirit I believe in you three you will make it to next round
Mallow:Thanks Ash but let's wait for the league
Kukui:Alola everyone
All of them:Alola Professor kukui
Kukui:So what weir you guys talking about
Lana:About the league
Kukui:Well you better wait because we are almost done and we will see who is the strongest okay take your sites and let's start

They continued class then in launch and explosion

Kukui:But where did it come from
Ash:It's team school let's go

Has they go down has the reach the bottom

Grunt 1:Hey is those stupid kids
Grunt 2:Get them
Ash:Goodra dragon pulse,Pikachu Thunderbolt and Tourcat use Fire blast

Has all three attacks take down all the grunts Pokémon even the Salazzle then a man came out

???:Who the heck did that
Kukui:Wait that voice Guzma
Guzma:Kukui is been awhile
Kukui:Why are you attacking
Guzma:Because I want to say something
Kukui:And what's that
Guzma:Cancel the league
Kukui:What no you won't stop me
Guzma:If you won't stop it I'll just have to destroy what you have started why do this if the strongest trainer is right here
Kukui:Is that so then how about you compete to see if is true
Guzma:I'll break your dream
Ash:So you think your strong
Guzma:What do you want kid this is between him and me back of
Ash:Let's have a battle if you think your that strong let's battle one on one right now
Kukui:Ash reconsider Guzma might be to strong
Guzma:No I'll accept his challenge
Ash:Trust me Kukui

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