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A pair of tall, black heels clicked across the concrete floors of the prison hallway. The woman's dark brown hair was strung up into a very messy bun, with errant strands sticking out. A clipboard and pen were in her grasp and she seemed to be in a rush. She was late for something she should have been early for.

To say the villain holding facility was empty would be a lie. In fact, the prison was the most cramped it's been in a long while. Every cell was full and every prison attendee had their hands full.

But the most prominent villains in the prison were being watched over by any pro hero that could spare the time to be babysitters for such evil. Speaking of the heroes... one such pro with dark hair and an even darker expression crossed his arms as he stared at the woman walking towards him down the hallway.

His reddened eyes narrowed as she closed in on his location.

"You're late, Cece," he grumbled to her.

She waved her hand at him, obviously flustered by her own tardiness. "I know, I know. But I'm here now."

Cece, aka Ms. Counselor, was U.A.'s resident student counselor but was by no means a hero. Her quirk, Brutal Honesty, gave her the ability to gain a perfect read on anyone, but at the cost of having to tell the truth in order to achieve such a psychological read. And when circumstances like these arose, she and her ability were needed for much more than just student counseling.

Eraserhead shook his head at her disapprovingly and walked into the room he currently stood guard over. She followed him into the metal viewing area and peered around.

There were dark concrete walls on all sides except for one and very little light to see within the room. The walls were barren and there was a single chair and stack of papers sitting in said chair. On the wall that wasn't entirely concrete there was a thick one-way mirror—they could see into the room before them but the residents of such a room couldn't see them. The window was dimmed and tinted until Eraser pressed on a button next to the door.

The one-way mirror suddenly opened like a shutter and the pair could see into the opposing room. There were three people in the room—two thickly built guards on either side of a woman in a prison uniform, strapped to a metal chair connected to the ground.

The female in the chair had deep black and white hair tied up into a ponytail, intertwined and looping like one long, thick strand of DNA. There was a quirk represser around her neck and cuffs around her wrists and ankles to keep her from moving. And strangely, she had on a blood red mask that was pointed and curved across her entire face. But that wasn't the strangest thing.

The woman stared straight through the one-way mirror, as if she could see through it. Her golden eyes searched the mirror until she landed on Cece, with a stare so cold Cece could feel a chill creep down her spine.

The counselor swallowed, suddenly nervous.

"Why does she still have her mask on?" she asked Aizawa.

He crossed his arms and sighed. "It's stuck to her face. We couldn't get it off."

"Huh... she must have a terrible complexion, then, don't you think? All that sweat build up? Acne galore!" She let out a short laugh as she turned to Aizawa, trying to make a joke out of it.

He gave her a harsh side eye in response and she coughed, choking on her laugh. This probably wasn't the best situation to be cracking jokes in.

He ignored her failed humor and continued, "I'll open up the mirror and you can start talking to her. I need you to get as much information as you can out of her about the League and about herself. She knows more than we have ever given her credit for. It's time we settle that."

The Wraith {MANIA Prequel} - BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now