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"The horde's been seen, sweeping west!"

A hooded figure looked up. She'd been picking at her meal absentmindedly, while her male companion continued to guzzle his drink down without any regard for manners. The hairs on the back of her neck stood to attention, and she pulled her hood tighter over her face, trying to make herself as small as possible. Whenever trouble cropped up - as it inevitably did - people loved to blame the Belmonts'.

Before they'd even gotten halfway through their meal, the Belmont name was already being dragged through the mud. Better to keep to themselves than invite a fight, better to be forgotten than hated.

Trevor said in hushed tones, "Wait here," as he stood up, his cloak floating to his feet.

Elizabeth tried to grab onto his cloak to stop him, but he was already halfway across the room and moving too fast for her to catch. With a loud sigh, she continued to poke at the stew - though the lumps made her question whether it was stew or shite.

"I'm sorry. Can I get my ale? It's just that I think I'm starting to sober up."

"All right, all right, but I want to see some coin from you now." The bartender was stern as he spoke, glaring at him.

Trevor groaned. He hastily pawed at his cloak and garments, looking for the small coin purse he knew was hidden there somewhere. "I swear I just had-"

A jingling sound stopped him as Elizabeth shook the purse at him. Trevor had an unfortunate habit of losing it or leaving it behind. He'd almost lost it twice in Varnth, three times in Alushia. It was better for her to keep ahold of it. 

As Trevor went open his mouth, the brown leather pouch flew through the air towards him. The heavy purse collided violently with his face, eliciting an embarrassingly painful thunk sound.

He stumbled and came into the candlelight, his crest suddenly visible to everyone in the room. His face twisted in pain, and he exclaimed, "Ouch!". He feebly rubbed at the growing red patch across his forehead. Elizabeth was immediately on her feet, realising their error. 

The room shifted, gasps echoing across the wooden beams.

"What's that you've got there on your chest?" The fat pig pointed his grubby finger accusingly at Trevor's chest. His eyes regarded her brother with vicious hatred.

Not again, Elizabeth groaned.

"Um...my shirt?" Trevor spoke, purposely slurring his words to sound drunk. Elizabeth nervously stepped closer as the customers started to crowd around her brother. "Just one more tankard, eh? Something to keep me warm while we find a tree to sleep under," he said, shaking the bag like a small bell. His eyes were begging for just one more.

"That's a family crest, I know it," the pig began again, inching closer to Trevor.

The knife on Elizabeth's belt felt heavy, her hand quietly unbuckled the strap. In her head, she was already plotting their escape. She could take the fat lout out with a good slam of her knife pommel, then maybe the barkeep with a glass - it was the tall, towering oaf at the end of the bar that would prove tricky.

"I don't," Trevor looked again to the barkeep with a desperate look in his eyes, "Just one more drink and then I'll leave right?"

"That's a Belmont crest."

"Really? Look, here's the money." He tossed the bag onto the counter.

"You're a Belmont, aren't you?! House of Belmont, Family Belmont?" Elizabeth twitched, she'd always hated how people pronounced the name, always missing out the t.

"Never met them." He was still trying to avoid conflict. "Listen, just forget it. We're leaving." He signalled for her to join him as he tried to make his way out of the tavern.

Two villages were between them, the oaf looking at her with an eerie grin. "No! You're a Belmont! This is all your fault."

Elizabeth tried to move past the brute in front of her, but they shoved her back. Trevor gritted his teeth. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do", the one cornering Elizabeth chanted. "Everyone knows the Belmont's dealt in black magic. The Belmont's dealt with monsters."

"The Belmont's fought monsters!" Elizabeth snapped, red flashing across her eyes.

The oaf in front of her shoved her again, and Trevor butted in with, "So we're told."

"And you are?" The villager drawled, looking her up and down with a sneer. "A witch probably. Just look at you." He spat, the glob of phlegm landing perilously close to her shoes.

"No one," she said, her voice laced with anger, "just two siblings passing through."

"Two Belmonts'." The sinister glee on their faces made Elizabeth's skin crawl. Sizing up the bigg-un again, she decided her knife was useless. The enormous strapped sword at her back was the better choice. Her eyes locked with Trevor's, waiting for permission to strike. He was still trying to avoid conflict

"I wouldn't if I were you, she's scarier than I am." Trevor remarked, drawing their attention back to him.

"The Belmont's were excommunicated by the church, banished, disowned, and their lands because they were evil." Elizabeth had had enough of this. 

The sword's straps tore free. She lunged forward with her teeth barred. The giant heard the floorboard creak and spun around, bracing for impact. She fell into him as he planted his feet and bounced her off of him. Her head ricocheted off the wall.

Pain rippled through her skull, sending black spots dancing through her vision. The room was spinning so violently, she couldn't seem to move or even think straight. Bile lurched to the top of her throat. Elizabeth tried to shake her head in a feeble attempt to stop the spinning, but it was no use. Before her, everything in her vision seemed to blur and then come back into focus intermittently.

"I'm Trevor fucking Belmont, and I've never lost a fight to a man nor fucking beast." She heard her brother threaten them.

Elizabeth slowly tried to stand, gripping onto any piece of furniture for support. Trevor's crimson cloak danced across the room as he dodged and punched unsuccessfully at the villagers. His movements were getting increasingly sluggish as he was surrounded and outnumbered. He couldn't see one of them creeping up behind him. Elizabeth yelled a warning weakly to him. Without hesitating, he quickly darted out of the way and then rendered his attacker unconscious with a firm punch to the temples.

"That was embarrassing." She said softly, cradling her pounding head with her hand. Trevor walked over to her, propping her with his arm. "We used to fight monsters," she said pathetically.

They left the tavern and walked into the cold winter air, with the sounds of people moaning and complaining echoing behind them. As soon as they got outside, Trevor bent over at the waist and started vomiting the food they had just eaten all over the ground. "And that was a complete waste of money," she said with a laugh, now pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Well, if I'd had help, then that would have gone better," he spat, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. Elizabeth grimaced as she looked towards him. "Bastards, I hope you all bleed out...through your arses! Every last one of you!" he yelled, still slurring a little.

"Ah yes, I remember now." She chuckled softly to herself, her eyes twinkling. "Father always said that shouting at your enemies teaches them a lesson." She laughed a little more before turning towards the woods nearby, Trevor limping close behind her.

Belmont Twins (OC x Alucard)Where stories live. Discover now