I love these two

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I absolutely adore seeing these two together

They bring me so much happiness, so, I decided to make myself a drawing of these two

They bring me so much happiness, so, I decided to make myself a drawing of these two

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Brother and sister time!

This Is my first time drawing both of them and I have to say I think I did pretty well 😁

This one also took a few days to draw

I messed up a lot on this, and I can't draw In perspective (which I have stated a million times) but over all It's good

Originally I was Just going to draw Coco, but then I thought "eh, what the heck" and decided to draw Crash also, and oh my gawd I love how It turned out, It didn't turn out the exact way I wanted to, but I'm gonna tell myself to shut up and love It 😄

Oh and I can't forget to say this... the fingers

They look like butter knifes like, why do I do this 😆

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