四 | VIRIDI - M.I.

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"I AM TRULY SORRY FOR MY IGNORANCE." The voice sounded familiar. Midoriya looked to the side to see the tv store that he always passed by showing the news. Yaoyorozu stood at the podium, a frown plastered across her face. But it didn't seem like she was actually upset. After three years of paying close attention to the actions and mannerisms of his classmates, he found it easier to tell how they felt. Even the stoic Todoroki Shouto was left to his devices. As a matter of fact, she seemed calm and relieved. His gut told him something was up with her and divided his whole attention to the device in front of him. "I had no clue that the injured girl I had found was actually Solus. In fact, I had no clue who she was before yesterday night. Even so, I cannot make excuses for my ignorance. Yet again, I am incredibly sorry." Midoriya stared for a bit before slowly unfocusing to see a black figure, reflected upon the glass. The green-haired male spun around, watching intently as a black-clad figure jumped from one rooftop to another. He grit his teeth and activated his quirk, jumping higher up then she was. Midoriya came down faster than he had gotten up, heading forwards to tackle her. His body grew closer until suddenly everything went black.

Solus stared at the man beneath her in awe. She had swung her skateboard at who she thought was an attacker, only to find out it was an old friend. "Well, shit..." The concerned vigilante looked around to see if anyone had seen the incident which thankfully no one had. Grabbing Midoriya from under the arms, she hoisted him up before carrying him on her back. Her gloves began to glow once more, attracting her board to her outstretched hand. "This should be fun." Solus hopped onto the board, shakily balancing herself before flying high into the sky.

When Midoriya woke up, he found himself staring up at an unknown ceiling with his head pounding. He shot forward, immediately regretting it as the pain grew stronger. Footsteps grew close but the pounding was overbearing. "You feeling better Midoriya?" Said male looked up to find Solus holding a cup of water and a bottle of pain-relievers in her gloved hands. He stared intensely as she put the glass on the wooden table next to him which looked too old to be properly functional. Solus opened the bottle, shaking two pills out onto her cupped hand before handing them out to him. "Here." Midoriya continued to stare as an internal conflict racked his brain. She's dangerous. Red electricity began to surround his body, indicating the use of his quirk.

Jumping, he zoomed all over the large room, crashing into walls whilst trying to intimidate her. "I've read a lot about you Sol-" Solus grabbed him by the arm and yanked him backward with incredible strength considering she was quirkless. "Shut up and sit down. I slammed your head with my board so hard you passed out so it's my responsibility to help you until you feel better." Midoriya looked at her with mild confusion before sitting down on the couch. His head began to ache again causing Solus to chuckle. She handed him the pills once more, then handing him the water. "I don't remember you being so... Bakugo-like," stated Solus as she watched Midoriya take the pills and choke on them. She grabbed the cup of water, opened his mouth, poured it in, and made him swallow. He sputtered in embarrassment, fixing his white v-neck.

"I-I guess. Well, then if you don't mind could you tell me what happened with Creati?" asked Midoriya with a slightly flushed face. Solus threw herself onto the couch next to him, twisting her body to be upside down. He scanned her figure which wore her usual mask, dark-gray sweatpants, and a black spaghetti-strapped tank top. She crossed her legs above her before starting; "I got really hurt after getting ambushed by her in the air. I winded up crashing through a window, slamming into a metal desk, and bleeding out because of a piece of glass. She then found out I was quirkless and tried to help but I ran away. She found me a couple of weeks later and helped me after I told her about Ikeru-"

Solus quickly covered her mouth and rolled over to face Midoriya. A force overtook her and she found herself underneath Midoriya who stared at her as if he had seen a ghost. Tears fell onto her face, making her guilt appear again. "Midoriya-"

"All Might, All Might, ALL MIGHT."

She shoved him up against the wall, gathering a black force in her hand. "THAT'S ALL YOU FUCKING TALK ABOUT." Sure Bakugo was intimidating but Ikeru was worse; She had broken Bakugo's arm after all. As a matter of fact, Midoriya had become less afraid of Bakugo then he had before. Now, Ikeru was here. The force hit him over and over again, the feeling of a bus hitting him every time it did.

"You think you can amount to him? I'll break you so bad right now that you never will!"

It all went black. Ikeru was brought to the nurse along with Midoriya. Both with life-sustaining injuries.


The green-haired boy looked down at her to find Solus underneath him with tears in her eyes. "Ikeru was wrong! Y-you beat her with a single hit. A hit like that would amount to someone double All Might's strength. If he was still here I'm sure he would tell you himself! Midoriya..."


Midoriya sat up, allowing Solus to slip out and sit up as well. "Do you really mean it?" he asked wearily. "Yes, of course." His eyes lit up in glee and he wrapped his muscular arms around her shoulders.

"I think your eyes might have lit up greener than I've ever seen them."

𝚟𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚒 (ʟᴀᴛɪɴ)

ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝑒𝓃

𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚊𝚏𝚎𝚝𝚢.

for anyone who cannot read the text, the quotes are:

"money doesn't matter. what does is your heart."

"...you've surpassed him by so much, no one could amount to it."


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