3 ; The Great Queen of Volleyball

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  The first match started with Karasuno your team ended it with a score of 25-23, 21-25 , and 25-18. The second match was with Nekoma it was quite fun because the 3 sets wouldn't end without a deuce. 

  "She's quite a gruesome opponent"  Ichika-san told Himari "Indeed,Y/n-chan is very smart and passionate about volleyball" Himari-chan replied "Isn't she your captain and the ace?" Yui from Karasuno asked.

  "Well, she was but she handed her position early because she wants to be able to coach Mina-chan before she leaves so that she'll leave with no worries" Himari-chan said.

  "I didn't know 'The Great Queen' was so advanced" Ichika replied "Well that's the great queen for you alright,but one thing please dont call her 'The Great Queen' she doesn't like it" Himari-chan added. "Why is she called the 'Great Queen' Though?" Yui asked.

  "Yeah, I wonder why and also she has the same nickname with 'The Great King' Oikawa"  Ichika added. "Well they say she has almost the same play style like Oikawa but hers is stronger and more vast" Himari-chan replied "Himari-chan! Let's go!" Akari-san called. 


  "Ok, Lunch Break!" Kuroo-san shouted "Are the girls done having lunch?" Iwa-chan asked Oikawa "Yeah they had lunch at 10" Oikawa replied "Anyhow's im not eating Im still full" Iwa-chan said "Ok,then where are you off to?" Oikawa asked "Soekawa said the match of the girls with Shiratorizawa is ongoing so Im gonna watch I haven't seen Shiratorizawa's girls play before" Iwa-chan replied "Ok then I'll come after you" After that Iwa-chan left.


  As Oikawa walk to the girls' court he was wondering about the girl he bumped into this morning he remembered she was at Shiratorizawa. "She kinda looks familiar and also..That voice I think I've heard it before" he mumbled to himself.

  As he drew nearer to the court he can hear the boys shouting with every hit of the ball. When he entered the court the ball was about to hit him when Himari blocked it and sent the ball flying to Akari-san.

  Oikawa was completely shocked as he went to seat with Iwa-chan. "That was a close one" Iwa-chan said "They said Shiratorizawa both won againts Nekoma And Karasuno" Iwa-chan said "They're quite tough to handle" Daichi-san said "Oh really?" Oikawa replied "But I have this feeling" Daichi-san said "What is it?" Iwa-chan asked.

  "That it feels like that #2 is not their official setter" Daichi-san said "Me too" Oikawa agreed "If she was the official setter she wouldn't be that bad" Oikawa said "She's quite good for me but Ichika said that their #1 was a gruesome opponent" Kuroo-san said "Gruesome?" Iwa-chan said "It seems like Shiratorizawa's girls are very interesting" Oikawa said while smirking.

  Then Iwa-chan hits the back of his head, "Oi! What was that for Iwa-chan?!" Oikawa asked in pain "Contain your mouth assykawa!" Iwa-chan scolded "I-I didn't mean it that way!" Oikawa explained.

  Then the whistle interrupted them from arguing revealing the #1 Y/n, exchanged position with #2 Himari in Shiratorizawa's team.

  "Is that their official setter?" Kuroo asked "Seems like it" Daichi-san replied "Wait, Isn't that 'The Great Queen'?" Iwa-chan asked.

  "The great Queen?" Both Daichi-san,Oikawa-san and Kuroo-san said. 

  "Yeah I dont remember her name but they say she likes to bring out all the power of her opponent even if its risky but still she wins" Iwa-chan said "Like pissing off your opponent?" Kuroo-san asked "Yeah" Iwa-chan replied "Didn't you say that she was a gruesome opponent,right Kuroo?" Daichi-san asked "She is alright" Kuroo-san  "This morning, I bumped into her" Oikawa said.

  "Then?" Kuroo-san asked "She seemed like a weak volleyball person though" Oikawa said "Really?" Daichi-san asked then Oikwa nodded.

  "Nice serve, Y/n!" #5 shouted, then Y/n throws the ball and jumps after a few run steps then Bam!

  "W-wasn't that a jump floater?" Oikawa said in shock "No, that wasn't a jump floater" Iwa-chan said "Then what the heck was that?" Kuroo-san asked "She hit the ball like a jump floater but the force she put on the throw was strong which makes the hit stronger and the outcome wasn't a jump floater it was a hit with a powerful momentum" Iwa-chan said.

  "Oh yeah I remember now, I tried to do that when I was in middle school but I failed" Oikawa-san said. "She's a monster" Daichi-san said. "Aoba Johsai's in big trouble now" Kuroo-san added. Oikawa then spoke...



a/n: My Oc's here are;

Mina,Mia,Himari,Akari,Sakiya,and Ichika

Maybe I'll add more next chapter

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