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well, we are really jumping around time periods, enjoy the chapter :)

     One day, on a warm summer evening, Rose and Scorpius walked down the path, through a beautiful forest near Hogsmeade village. It was getting later in the evening, and the two had just gone out for a delightful dinner over in the village before their walk. They were having a fantastic evening, but Scorpius was holding back a secret. Tonight, he was going to propose to the love of his life, Rose Granger-Weasley, hopefully soon to become Rose Malfoy.

    Earlier that week, he asked Rose out to dinner, something they hadn't done in a while, as they were always both swamped with work. After moving some meetings around, and finishing some papers earlier than expected. Rose eagerly agreed, so at five o' clock, she began to get ready for their date. Since it was casual, but still special of course, she put on a knee length dress colored blue to match her eyes, and had a flowers and leaves print all over the dress. She loosely curled her hair, and did some things with makeup, but she-on her opinion and Scorpius's- looked beautiful.      

      At five thirty, they apparated to Hogsmeade, where they stopped at The Three Broomsticks, where Scorpius reserved a private room to eat in, so they were alone for this moment and didn't have to sit next to goblins and other creatures before he asked Rose to marry him. 

     During dinner, the pair were talking and laughing- remembering the good times they had back in school, and their first Hogsmeade trip with Albus. Wishing they could still be back at Hogwarts and still be a carefree teenager, but still loving the life they were living through now with each other. They eventually finished dinner at around six-thirty, and got up from their table to leave, thanking their waitress before they left. 

      Now they were walking through the forest next to Hogsmeade, Scorpius's suggestion-and plan. They were following the path, and having a fantastic time together, remembering when they took this very path with Albus in their sixth year. Suddenly, Scorpius took a turn that Rose didn't expect, off the path, and she looked at him strangely.

    "Wait, where are we going Scorp?" Rose questioned him, curiously following him through his chosen path. He seemed to know where he was going, so she followed him.

     "Just trust the process on this one Rosie." Scorpius beckoned her forward, to make her follow him further. Rose looked at him with interest etched across her face. They kept walking until they hit a clearing. It was a beautiful clearing at that, it was a clear sky that night, Scorpius made sure of that, so the light of the crescent moon and the stars shone down through the gaps of the towering trees surrounding them. You could hear the crickets chirping, in a pleasant way that made the clearing seem all that more magical. A slight breeze went through the trees, to make it the perfect weather. It was the classic pure moment written in most storybooks.

     Rose began to look around and take it all in. "Scorpius, this is absolutely beautiful, but why are we here?-" Rose eyes widened and she started to cry. Scorpius was down on one knee and holding a diamond ring.

    "Rosie, you are the sun to my moon, and when your blue eyes first landed on me, I fell in love with you. I didn't know it yet, but I did. You make me a better person, and my life would forever be incomplete without you. Rose Granger-Weasley, willl you marry me?"

     Rose nodded, freely crying by now. Scorpius  stood up and she ran into his arms. "Yes I will, of course I will."

      "I love you so much Rosie, so much, always remember that.

sorry this one is so short guys, but I wanted to update today, but I've been very busy with starting a new school. i hope you enjoyed it. if you have a request for a one-shot, please ask me in the comments, cause I need ideas. also regarding the last chapter, how many chapters should I have in this book? cause most one-shot authors I see only have 7-15, and I'm approaching that mark.

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