Getting Ready For the Wedding

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hello everyone! so they just got engaged, guess they have to have a wedding now! hope you enjoy :) Also, this chapter was requested by Badasswitch5 and they gave me some ideas too, so thank you for that :)

        In came autumn, quicker than either Rose or Scorpius had expected. It was mid-November now, and the wedding was the very next day. Scorpius couldn't believe it had been five months since he proposed to the most beautiful girl the universe in early June. They were set to have their wedding in the forest next to Hogsmeade, the very same place they explored as kids, and where Scorpius proposed to Rose. The pair were both ecstatic, but also nervous for the next day. They had trouble sleeping the next night.

     On the morning of the next day, Rose and Scorpius were both up early getting ready, Rose a little earlier though. She was with her bridesmaid and her maid of honor in her room, eating breakfast. More specifically, she was eating waffles. Scorpius was with his best man and groomsmen also eating breakfast. More specifically, he was eating pancakes. Even on their wedding day, they were still having this battle. 

     When the time finally came to actually start all the hair, makeup, and dress things for Rose, it was around three o'clock. She sat down on her chair and people started brushing her face with powders and beating her face until they were satisfied. sorry, everyone, I know nothing about makeup. Then they started on her hair. Rose sat very still as a hairstylist curled her hair loosely, which Rose found annoying because they had just straightened her hair before curling it. It didn't make sense to her, but she had never known much about hair and makeup. She just knew she had to brush her hair in the morning. 

     Her bridesmaids and maid of honor were already in their dresses, having less maintenance on their appearance than the bride. They were wearing a simple burgundy dress that stopped exactly where it touched the ground, and had embroidered flowers around their waists. It matched with the wedding's autumn forest theme perfectly, and the color scheme of red and gold.

     Finally, it was time to change into her wedding dress. Rose absolutely adored her dress. It hung loosely around her in a perfect way and touched the floor to fan around her. The dress had flowers all around the neckline, and they traveled all the way down to her waistline, and farther down still until it merged with the subtle lace on the bottom. I couldn't find the perfect dress anywhere so I did a quick sketch of what I envisioned. I know this model doesn't look like Rose, but I kind of made it look like one of my friends. I know this isn't the greatest drawing ever, I took about two minutes on it. I promise can do a lot better.

 I promise can do a lot better

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     Back in Scorpius's room, it was a lot less hectic getting ready.  He got dressed in a classic groom's outfit, nothing that new and inventive. However, he was visibly nervous, so Albus, who just so happened to be his best man, kept telling Scorpius really bad jokes to try to get him to calm down a little. It worked. Sort of. 

     Finally, six o'clock came. It was time for the actual ceremony. They were both very ready to do this, and emotions were already high where the guest were seated. 

stay tuned for part two! thank you again for @Badasswitch5 for suggesting this chapter right after they got proposed. I hope I did your idea justice. thank you for reading everyone and have a good day!

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