2: A Not-So-Simple Proposition

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2: a not-so-simple proposition // chapter2 // present day


"Hey, Kaitlyn, wait up!"

I roll my eyes, switching my backpack from my right shoulder to my left as I wait for Beth to catch up to me.

"I," she pants, resting an arm on me, "have some news..." She trails off, exhaling loudly. "Whew! I need to exercise more."

I laugh. "That's what I've been telling you! A fast metabolism and low caloric intake do not an in-shape person make."

She blinks. "I don't even know what that means, but anyway! Mickey asked me out yesterday!"

"Mickey... Stevens? Isn't he that kid who asked me out on a dare freshman year with the worst possible timing?" I've got to text AJ about this.

"That's the one! Oh, K, it was soooo cute! So I was studying at the library right? And he comes over with a Starbucks coffee -and you know I love Starbucks- and he was all 'Oh, they messed up my order, I was wondering if you wanted it so I don't waste it?' and I'm like 'Depends on what it is', because I'm not going to drink some low-fat matcha coffee bullshit or whatever people drink these days, and he goes 'It was supposed to be a white chocolate mocha with no whipped cream but the barista put whipped cream on it by mistake and I'm conditioning my taste buds to not need as much sugar in my diet' and I'm all 'Oh! Well we'll just have to decondition your taste buds, but are you sure you don't mind me taking this?' and he's like 'No not at all, after I took the first sip it reminded me of us, because you're super sweet and I'm conditioned to want you with everything' and Kaitlyn let me tell you I basically DIED it was so CUTE!"

Believe it or not, the most likely part of that story to be made up is that Beth was studying at the library.

"Wow, very interesting," I comment, switching out my morning books out at my locker. "But you failed to mention the part where he actually physically asked you out."

Beth snorts. "Well, duh, I was getting to that part. Anyways, I graciously accepted the coffee and was still fangirling on the inside because how did he come up with that line? And..."

She keeps talking, probably including some not-so-true elements to the story, but I zone out.

Okay, so after class today, I have to sign up for winter tutoring, remind Jordan that he has to drop me off at my eye appointment tomorrow BEFORE he goes to another basketball conditioning session, start studying for my physics midterm...

I check my planner: Thursday, October 14. Class gets out at 3, then tutoring sign-up goes until 4, then either Mom or Grandma will pick me up, but only if Jordan's conditioning runs late again. Easy.

"...and then I said yes and we exchanged numbers and now we're going out on a date this Friday! He wants to go get pizza and then sit in the park for a picnic! Isn't that just so romantic?" Beth mock-swoons. I can practically see the hearts in her eyes.

I smack her on the arm. "Did you forget you were going to be my ride home after my eye appointment? And then we were going to have a sleepover?"

"Oops, maybe I did." At least she has the presence of mind to look sheepish. "What about Parker? You know he's always more than happy to drive around if it means he can get out of his house for a while."

"Parker is currently grounded for sneaking out of the house over the weekend, so he doesn't get to go out or see friends or anything until Monday." What I don't mention is that he was my first pick to drive me home, and that I only asked Beth because he wouldn't be able to.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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