The Band

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On the Island Of Sodor, everyone always recognized the engines, but not the drivers, even though they did most of the work. Some of the drivers on the Steam Team wanted more attention, but they never seem to get it.

It is Spring of 2014, and the temperatures have been drastically changing throughout. It would be cold, and then the next day it would be hot. But that never stopped the engines of The Steam Team.

The Steam Team consisted of Thomas, Edward, Henry, James, Gordon, Percy, Emily, as well as Annie & Clarabel. Their drivers had been controlling them since 2009. They all started at 13, with a chaperone that trained them. Once they all improved, they were soon given the job to themselves, and all of them are only 18. They have online school, but they are all so good that they don't even need it.

Right now it was another day of work for the team. Tyler Mitchell, Thomas's number 1 driver began his journey of the day by taking Thomas to the primary school to drop off some books for the children.

Once they arrived, all the kids ran towards Thomas. They were clapping and cheering as they took pictures of Thomas while Tyler carried the books inside.

Tyler really wanted the kids to pay attention to him as well. So he made an attempt, he walked up to a group of kids.

" Hey there, want a picture with me? " Tyler asked the kids.

" I guess so, but why? " one little boy asked. " I'm Thomas's driver, so why not have a picture of the person controlling your favorite engine? " Tyler said trying to convince the kids. The kids went with it, but weren't all excited.

Tyler took one of the kids cameras, and lined up for a group shot. He took the picture, and then looked at it, and none of the kids were really smiling.

" Don't you know you're supposed to smile during a picture " Tyler said nicely to kids, but deep inside he was not happy.

" I know, but it's just that I like being with the engines, I just think that the drivers aren't really anything. " one little girl said, and Tyler just stood there quietly.

" I see, well you should know that I've been doing this for 5 years. So you don't know anything, you're still a little kid. See you later! " Tyler yelled at the kids before leaving in a flash and leaving the kids in shock.

It's not just Tyler who gets no attention. All the other Steam Team drivers get ignored. The drivers just wanted some fans and to be recognized more on the island than the engines, but no luck has happened for them.

Once the day was over, Tyler and the other members went into their motel that was built right next to Tidmouth Sheds, so that they'd be right next to their engines.

Once everyone was inside, Tyler gave a remark.

" Hey guys, do you know if you have any fans? " Tyler asked everyone. No one really answered, except for Hailey.

" One kid said she liked my hair, but nothing else. Does that count? " she asked but to no avail.

" Are you guys really sick of not getting attention from the kids. " Tyler asked the group. Everyone nodded in agreement.

" Gordon always gets praise for his Express pulling, but not me " Ginny said.

" The kids just like to look at James. They don't even look square at me " Jake said jealous.

" No one really seems to be impressed with my guard skills. Which makes me want to blow coal in their faces " Anne Claire pretty hostile, making the others stutter. Anne Claire always gets angry easily, but she can calm down in a sec.

" One time, a group of kids said I was nothing but an object apart from the engine, and that gave me anxiety. " Ellie said, which made Tyler very sad. " It's okay babe, those kids just don't seem to realize that we're just as important as the engine itself. " Tyler said loudly, making everyone agree.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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