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a gentle pat taps on your head as you start to slowly open your eyes. you've never really been a morning person, but you'd get through it with a cup of coffee.

finally gathering the energy to open your eyes fully and stretch, you're greeted with the scent of freshly baked bread in the air. looking down you see a freshly made breakfast held by your beautiful girlfriend/partner.

these are the things you loved in life. a soft "morning beautiful" escapes their lips as you lock eyes and just sit there for a few seconds admiring each other and just taking in the moment.

your lover lifts up blanket covering your legs so they can squeeze in next to you. just feeling their warmth put a huge smile across your face. placing your head on their shoulder it fit like a jigsaw piece, it was meant to be there. like i said, you weren't really a monring person, your eyes became heavy quickly and soon enough you were asleep again, but safe in their arms.

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