Chapter one

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Ames PoV

I sat in my office doing some work until Aussie came into my room.

"Ame what're you doing?" He asked.

"I'm working Aussie. It's very important please leave me alone." I replied not looking up or stopping.

"But you work constantly. You need to take a break or you'll just end up in a negative state of mind." He said.

"I'll take a break later, but right now I have to deal with this." I replied more harshly than intended.

"I'll be back in two hours to get you to take a break." He replied walking out of my office not closing the (god damn) door.

I continued working ignoring everything else happening around so I wouldn't have my attention taken away until I heard someone break something down stairs.

The hell was that?! I thought quickly getting up and leaving my office only to see my mum and dad in an argument.

"This is your fault!" Dad yelled.

The fuck are they fighting about? I thought continuing to watch the argument.

"It's my fault?! It's your fault that all this happened!" Mum shouted getting in dads face.

"The heck are you two fighting about? This is the third time this month and honestly I'm getting tired of it!" I yelled walking down the stairs.

"Stay out of it!" They both snapped at the same time.

"Why would I do that if you two aren't going to stop? Besides your fighting is making it hard for me to concentrate on my work." I said clearly annoyed.

"Then why not move out?" Dad said glaring at mum.

"Because Maple Leaf and my children want to stay here. I don't know why they do, but if they're staying I'm staying." I said. "Besides if you hate each other so much then get a fricken divorce!"

"What the hell Ame?!" New Zealand said shocked by what I yelled.

"Don't ask. They were fighting again." I said giving him a look explaining everything he needed to know by the one stare.

"Okay yeah. I agree there." He replied.

I walked back to my office to return to my work until Texas ran up to me crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He didn't answer instead he grabbed my wrist and dragged me with him as he ran down the hall. Fuck! What's going on?! Why is he panicked so bad?! "Hey what's wrong Tex?" I asked trying to get an answer.

"It has to do with Alaska!" He said while crying and eventually we reached Alaska's room. I was shocked by what I saw.


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