Chapter Two

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I sat in my library reading a book finally having some free time for once in a while. Now you might be wondering why I'm not spending it with my daughter and that's because she's out on a girls day with her friends. So I decided to read and I was actually in a good mood. Things were peaceful till the Korean brothers started fighting.

"난 당신이 싫어 (I hate you)!" North yelled.

"나도 너 싫어 (I hate you too)!" South yelled back.

What happened between them? I wondered walking to where they were at. "What is happening now?" I said, stern look on my face.

"내가 말하는 것은 내가 그것을 시작하지 않았다는 것입니다 (All I'm saying is I didn't start it)." South Korea said quickly.

Why is he still using Korean? "I don't care who started it. Why are you two fighting?" I asked more stern.

"South how about you tell him." North said with a death glare at his brother.

South sighed, "We got into a debate on who could be more terrifying and it was Norths idea in the first place. Well it quickly got out of hand and he started a fight."

"You started the god damn fight!" North yelled.

"もういい (enough)!" I yelled. "I don't care who started it. Both of you make up or leave each other alone!" With that, I walked off.

As I returned to the small library in the house and resumed reading the two walked up to me.

"We're sorry for earlier." They both said in unison and with a respectful attitude which surprised me.

"I accept your apology. Please don't let it happen again." I replied calmly giving them a small smile, to which they returned, then returned to reading.


It was night and the two Korean brothers left leaving me home alone. Big mistake! I like to put up pranks for them when alone. So that's what I did. I set up a little prank and then went off to my room pretending I didn't do anything. "Now we wait for the aftermath of this." I whispered to myself chuckling.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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