Chapter Sixteen

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"How did this happen?" I ask looking at Marie. She looks just like she did when she was in the coma, lifeless.

"I'm not really sure. We were dancing for a while then she started having an asthma attack. After that she passed out," Ciel says with a worried look on my face.

"It will be okay my lord. I'm having a doctor come by. He said it might take a hour or two though. For now we'll just have to keep watching her and make sure she's okay," Sebastian says.

"All we can do is wait. It's okay Marie. You'll be okay," I say looking at Marie. I pull a chair over and sit in front of her.

What the crap just happened?! One minute I'm dancing with Ciel being all happy then the next thing I know is I can barely breathe and Ciel starts freaking out. I'm pretty sure I had an asthma attack. I feel like I'm sleeping but can't wake up.

About ten minutes later I open my eyes. I have a terrible headache.

"Marie you're okay," Ciel says looking at me.

"Y-yeah I have a terrible headache though," I say breathing deeply.

"I'll go get you a new wet wash cloth to put on your head. A doctor will be here sometime soon to see you," Ciel removing the old wash cloth on my head. He gets up and goes to the bathroom.

When he returns he places a new warm and wet cloth on my head. I feels so good.

"I'm sorry," I say.

"For what?" Ciel asks confused.

"You know for ruining the ball. Iran I was the freaking guest of honor then basically died," I say.

"It's okay. You didn't ruin the ball," Ciel says as he kisses my cheek.

"Ciel I love you," I say closing my eyes. I feel very tired.

"I love you too Marie," he says smiling. Like an actual smile.

"You know what else I love?" I ask.

"No. What else do you love?" he asks.

"When you smile," I say smiling. He just lays down next me in bed and smiles.

The rest of the day is pretty boring as we wait for that dumb ass doctor to come. I just sit in my room until I got bored of that. I decide to go check on Marie since I had nothing to do. I've checked in her like five times now so I know she's awake. I open the door to her room and she her and Ciel asleep together. Ciel has his arm wrap around her body.

"Aww the sweet little love birds sleeping together in the same nest," I whisper so they don't hear me. If Ciel woke up because he heard me, he would kill me.

I decide to leave so I don't wake them up. I walk down the hallway then run into someone.

"I'm sorry," I say. I look up and see I ran into Sebastian and some weird guy standing next to him.

"It's okay love. This is the doctor. He's here to see Marie," Sebastian says.

"Oh I was just leaving her room. She's asleep," I say.

"Okay we'll just wake her up," the doctor says.

I follow them as we enter Marie's room. The sound of the doors opening loudly then being slammed must have woken up Ciel.

"What are you all doing here?!" Ciel asks basically jumping out of bed.

"H-hello," Marie says waking up and rubbing her eyes. "Oh you must be the doctor. Hello I'm Marie Knight." Marie says walking up to the doctor.

"Okay so tell me what happened," the doctor says sitting down in a chair next to Marie's bed. Marie says sitting on the bed.

"Well just recently she was in a coma. It toke her about a month or two to wake up from it. Then yesterday when we had a ball she was fine. She was dancing then she had an asthma attack and passed out," Ciel says sitting next to Marie on the bed.

"Okay," the doctor says writing this down. "Marie what's the most recent memory of the ball do you were at?"

"The last thing I remember was I was dancing with Ciel. Then I could barely breathe," Marie says.

"Okay. How do you feel now?" the doctor asks.

"Well I still have a little headache. My back is a bit sore. Also I'm still a bit tired," Marie says.

"Is that all? Nothing unusual compared to other asthma attacks you've had?" the doctor asks.

"No. I normally feel this way when I get asthma attacks," Marie says.

"What do you do to feel better?" the doctor asks.

"I normally just sleep and have some medicine. Oh and I have my inhaler but I left it back at my house," Marie tells the doctor.

"Oh so you're not from here? I would I thought you were considering your accent. I myself am not from here," the doctor tells Marie.

"Well I was born here in London but then moved to America," Marie says.

"Cool. Anyways now back to the topic. I think the best thing for you to do to get better is to return home. You seem to have what you need there. If you don't you'll most likely start feeling worse and worse or even die," the doctor says closing his notebook he's been writing all this shit down in.
A/N: Hello my readers! I'm so happy I finally got this chapter up. I've been putting it off and now I finally finished it. Anyways thank you reading. I know I say that like 1000+ times. I'm sorry if it gets annoying. I just appreciate and love you guys so much. You don't understand the confidence you give me. I would have probably deleted this book if it wasn't for all of you. Also sorry if the chapter is kinda short. I had to make it on my phone. Love you all. I'll try to have the next chapter up tomorrow.

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