Chapter 1

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Dream's POV:
I was walking around Piratetale when Blueberry called me. "Heya Dream!" he started, sounding a little scared. "we might have a slight problem." I was fully aware of what that meant. "Where are you? Or where are they?" Blue said, "I'm in Underlust and umm...........we also have a MAJOR problem." "Hold on i'm on my way to Underlust. Tell me there." I hung up and immediately teleport to Underlust.

I see Blue and run up to him. "What's the other problem?" He tells me whats going on while we get out our weapons and prepare for battle. "Well, Ink's missing and apparently Error is as well." I look at him slightly in disbelief, but the way he looked I could tell he was serious. "How are we gonna do this by ourselves?" I say worrisome.

We see Nightmare and his gang, but before i get ready to charge Blue pulls me down towards him and say, "Look Dream, we got this don't bully yourself alright. We got this together." he lets me go and puts his small, gloved fist up towards me. "Together?" I smile at him at his hopeful determination to make sure to me that we can do this. "Together." I say as i fist bump his fist.

We get ready to battle. Nightmare comes at full force, but we took the upper-hand. I hear Blue get called short by Killer and Dust. I pinned Cross down with my foot, looked at them and said, "You shouldn't have said that. I pray for your souls." I say putting on a playful sad face as Blue pounded Dust into a tree knocking him out and gaster blasting Killer. I laugh at them and kicked Cross in the face knocking him out. "I told them."

I looked at Nightmare and Dust who looked like they had something up their sleeves. Then all I saw was smoke. "Shoot!" I was shaking in fear and on edge. Then suddenly I saw Nightmare walking towards me. I pulled up my bow shakily at him. He put his hands up in defense to show he wasn't going to do anything. I slowly put my bow down, looked at him, then started crying.

"Awww. What's wrong Dream?" he asked. "Come here. Everything's okay. There's no need to fight anymore." He held out his arms as I run into his arms crying. He slowly made his way to the ground shushing me and slowly rubbing my back. I soon passed out.

Blue's POV:
I could see Dream fall asleep in Nightmare's arms. I stood there as I see them slowly slip out of sight. "DREAM" I screamed at him.

I saw Horror and Killer closing in on me. "Heya Blueberry" Horror says as they slowly started to get closer. "We are just gonna.......slowly..." Killer started before he finished, I fell to the ground, hard, on my knees.

They stopped moving. 'I knew it' I thought. 'I knew that we couldn't do it. Why did I even put that stupid thought in his head' I laughed quietly. 'I'm stupid and weak. What kind of friend am I if I can't even-' "Stop it right now" Horror says sitting down in front of me. "Get those thoughts out of your head because you know those aren't gonna help with anything." I look up at Horror, smile at him, he smiles back and I fell forward into his lap.

Nightmare's POV: Horror was carrying Blue which was odd for him. "How in the hell did you know that Blueberry has anxiety? I would have expected that from Error maybe Dust, but you." I chuckled slightly. Horror looked down at Blue like he was fragile and was something precious to him.

Then I got it.

"You like him don't you?" I say. He looked up me and said, "Nope, I love him. I know almost everything about him." I stepped back a little. "Um. Stalker much. Anyway Killer, grab Cross and Dust. Looks like those boys can't take a punch from a dreamy anorexic and an insomniac Dream and a small ADHD, bipolar, anxiety........" my smile quickly faded when I realized something.

"Blue is the most messed up of them all isn't he. No matter how mortal he is--working with 2 of the strongest positive Gods alive--and still the most messed up out of all of them." I look at him with sad eyes. "Lets just get them back to the mansion and out them in the guest suites."

(TIME SKIP [just a few hours] AND SLEEP TIME [only because my mom told me to] WORDS: AROUND 740)

Blue's POV:
I awoke to someone crying. I knew who it was so I slowly got up and got Dream, who was conveniently right next to me, and hugged/rocked him telling him that everything was okay. Then I felt someone watching me. Not that I dont already know that Horror stalks me. I think it's cute, sorta-NO BLUE YOU ARE GETTING DISTRACTED AGAIN. Anyway, but instead of just him it felt like multiple people. I slowly scan the room. Nothing. So I did something I normally dont do, I turn into my Bottontale form {There isn't to much about Bottontale soooo were just gonna give him random powers to sense heat( also his other selves will come out with his emotions that's sort of why he's bipolar)} and close my good eye so that I can heat sensor the room.

Horror's POV:
Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. Not this form. I hated this form, well not as much as his blueberror form, but I hated this one. "Guys get rid of your heat. FAST." I say quietly that Blue wouldn't hear me. "Why" Killer says. "Just do it" I say and they turned off their heat in enough time before Blue scanned us. Once he finished I gave the okay and they turned it back on.

Blue's POV:
I didnt get anyone so I just stopped and assumed it was nothing. I turned back to normal and started to lay down when I got the sudden pain in my side. I pulled up my shirt to see my bruses and cuts on my ribs, but I knew that feeling was on my side so I summoned my ecto-body and looked at it.

That punch from Pap was starting to bruise more since we had gotten into a fight. I couldn't see the rest of the marks because something was in the way.

Then I realized I summoned my female ecto-body and quickly un-summoned it and put my shirt down. "Maybe I am just as weak as Pap says I am. No wonder he abuses more ways than normal." then I fell asleep crying next to dream.

Horror's POV:
Holy shit. I knew almost everything about him and this is something I didnt expect. Now I'm pissed off more at his Pap then I was. We teleported out as he fell asleep. "WHAT THE FUCK is he doing to Blue." I say half angrily. "Idk, but we have to tell boss." so we walk to his study, knock, and walk in.

"What is it?" he asks. "Ummm boss?" Killer says "Yes?" he says annoyed. "Apparently sir, my original is being abused and I quote 'in more ways than normal' sir" Raspberry said half sad and half angry at us because we were too slow.

He stood up surprised and angry, "WHAT?!" we walked back to the guest suite.

Then he stopped right in front of the door.

I could tell he was getting a feeling because he stopped and calmed down. I knew Dream couldn't do that so was it Blue? We slowly went in saw something we didn't expect.


{Words: 1303}
{LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Chapter one is complete and out sorry that it's late, but better late then never right. I'm trying to get everything done but gladly I got this done before my Google meet. I will work on Chapter 5 of Lovey Dovey Chaos after this. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY EVERYONE. BAIIIIIIIIIIII}

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