Chapter 2

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This is only out because I'm bored, it's in my head, and I wanna see the trash this will become. Also most likely none of the photo's will match the story fair earning ENJOY


(this is when the boys left to tell Nightmare and afterwards)

Blue's POV:
I shot up. Omg omg omg omg. I totally forgot what that meant. The bruise comes when my babies are in trouble. (ha haaaaa ya didn't see that coming) I have to go back for him.

I get up and try to teleport. "DAMMIT" someone must have taken away our powers. Think Blue THINK AND THINK FAST. Then I got it. I turned into my Blueberror form, because technically it's an error, you can't take my powers away.

I quickly teleport to my house, change back and run to my babies. Honey was hurting one of them. "STOP. STOP PLEASE IM HERE HURT ME. JUST PLEASE DONT HURT MY KIDS." I scream at Honey crying. He puts the baby down and starts to hit me. Multiple times, almost breaking a bone. Then leaves the house, most likely to get drunk again.

I grab my babies and teleported back to, wherever I was. They're crying, so I sat back in a rocking chair on the side of the bed next to the window. Summon my female ecto-body and let them eat/drink.

"Hey" I look at them. They looks at me curiously. "Which song so you want today?" They're eyes brightened *happy baby noises* "Oh that one? Really?" *another happy baby noises* they smile at me. "Alright. You finish eating Mr.'s while I sing alright." They laughed and continued eating.

{wont let me upload video}

Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of
(i put my hand out and summoned a star. One of them reached for it and smiled as it disappeared)
Come little children
The times come to play
Here in my garden of
(my eyes turned fully black and the other one giggled)

That's when Nightmare came in. "What...." said Horror. I shushed them and motioned to the babies, then to sit down.

Follow sweet children
I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain and the sorrows
Weep not poor children
For life is this way
Murdering beauty and passion

The babies giggled slightly as a sign that they are done. "Do you want mommy to continue?" I pulled down my shirt--skillfully--and held them. They smiled and held on to me. *whisper*"I'll answer all questions when they're asleep" then pulled them close and leaned back and rocked slowly and continued.

Hush now dear children
It must be this way
To weary of life and deception
Rest now my children
For soon we'll away
Into the call and the quiet

They slowly drifted off to sleep so I finished the song.

Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come little children
For times come to play
Here in my garden of

They were sound asleep. "Sorry about that guys" I say laying them next to Dream as they slept. Dream loved my babies. I walked back to the chair and sat down. "Any questions?" I ask waiting.

Killer: Who's kids are they?

Blue: Mine.

Horror: Who's the father?

Blue: I think Rasp already knows.

Rasp: They're Honey's aren't they Blue.

Blue: Yes.

They gasp in sadness some in rage and some in worry.

Cross: What are their names?

Blue: Night and Star. After their favorite things. Nightmare and my star magic.

Nightmare: Why me?

Blue: I had a picture of you and the gang and he kept pointing at you.

Killer: How old are they?

Blue: 1 year-old.

Rasp: How long has he been abusing you and in what ways?

Blue:..............It started when I was 9 with just random hits every now and then, but as I got older. They got harder, to where he started breaking my bones and it happen more often.

I started crying.

Blue: When I turned.......when I turned 15 that's the first time he.....he......raped me.

Nightmare uses his tentacle to softly take my off the chair and sat me next to him while he turned around to face everyone else. I cry harder, but not to where i wake up Dream and Star.

Blue: Night and Star aren't my first children. My first was at 17."

I say wiping my tears, but more come.

Blue: She made it to see Night and Star be born and brought home.........but I........I didnt make it home in time from work to save her-

I stopped and cried looking down at my thighs. I can hear the gasps and silent cries of some of the others. After some time I finally calmed down enough to continue.

Blue: Her name was Hailey. I called her Hail because one say we had a hail storm and she didnt want to go away from the window.

I laugh.

Blue: She waited so long for the hail to scone back. I hope she can see it where she's at now.

I smile and look up at the ceiling. Now everyone was crying even Nightmare.

Nightmare: You are the most....strongest.....a-a-and the sweetest and kindest and the most loving and AMAZING person I have ever met, Blueberry.

Nightmare says cupping my face in his hands. Tears rolling down their faces. It made me feel bad for having them cry over me.

Blue: I'm sorry I didnt mean to make any of you cry over me-

Nightmare: STOP IT. STOP making it seem like you are a bad person. Because you're not. Okay? You are so amazing....and so strong....for having to put up with everything and still go about everyday trying to make everyone's say better. No matter how sad you are.

He says hugging me.

Nightmare: And dont you ever say that you arent, because you are.

Hugging me tighter. I slowly hug back crying while everyone else joins in on the hug.


Words: 1013
Man gotta love some drama. Anyway, WELCOME to the end of Chapter 2 imma change the title because this is changing into a Blueberry story but im alight with that. I'm sorry about the dream x nightmare fans who wanted that buuuuuuut there will be some dreammare in the story so don't get your hopes up yet. I HOPE ALL OF YOU HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY. BAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.

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