𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸𝟺

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after hanging out with the boys separately, i feel like we we're all just close friends having the time of our lives. even though i hated most of them, here i am hanging out with the dickheads having fun. we all sat down together in a circle and talked. it was like we knew each other for years -which we did- but was different.

part 24: love is in the air

Nessa and Noah came back. i smiled at her and she sat next to me.

"you okay?" i asked her.

"i guess? we both talked things out. we're going to stay as friends from now on" she said. i nodded and we continued to talk.

Nessa's pov:
i pulled Noah to the side as everyone began to play around.

"we need to talk" i said breathing heavily.

Noah noticed that my breathing was odd. he came and hugged me  "don't worry, i'm always here for you Ness, what's wrong?" he asked.

i let go of him "that's the whole point we're here Noah.... i'm sorry but i don't think that i feel the same anymore" i said tearing up. i looked up and saw his poor eyes. he was in pain too. "i'm really sorry" i said, his tears came flooding down like me. i sighed and hugged him. he hugged me back.

"why....?" Noah asked as he kept me in his arms.

"i think i have feelings for someone else and i don't want you to be heart broken even though we're here..." i explained. i felt his hand play with my hair as we both tried to calm down.

"it's okay Ness, i can tell Josh likes you too" he said letting go of the hug with a fake smile.

"how- how do you know i like him?" i asked.

"it's kinda obvious" he chuckled still holding his tears from flooding in.

"i'm actually so sorry. i'm just not the girl for you Noah. but remember that i still love you" i explained truthfully.

he nodded and said "i'm always here for you, and i will love you till the end of the world. just make the right choices and hopefully we can be friends?"

i smiled and nodded. i hugged him and he hugged me back. "god, i'm gonna miss you so much Janesa Barrett" he said, i chuckled as a tear escaped my eye.

"i'm gonna miss you too Noah Beck" i said.

we then talked for a while then went back to the group. 

end of Nessa's pov

"okay so what are we doing?" Nessa asked.

"truth or dare" i said. she nodded and listened in.

"Ava! truth or dare?" Jackson asked.

"don't wanna be a pussy so dare i guess?" i said.

"oooo okayyy" Jackson laughed. he then whispered to Chase and nodded. "i dare you to sit on Paytie's lap" Jackson smiled.

"who's 'Paytie'?" i asked.

"it's your boyfriend, Payton?" Jackson explained.

i slowly nodded and looked over at Payton who was bright red. i chuckled and walked towards him. i then sat on his lap and closed my legs. not today kids.

"it's my turn i guess" i said, i looked around and looked back. "Payton, truth or dare?" i asked him.

"uh- um- dare?" Payton said.

"okay well i don't have one, does someone have one?" i asked as i laid my head back onto Payton.

"i have one! i dare Payton to kiss Ava!" Kio said excitedly.

"oh! and! you have to stand in the middle of the circle" he added.

"fine by me" Payton laughed as we both got up and went to the middle. "it's not like we haven't done this before" Payton chuckled.

"what?!" Kio shouted.

"are you serious?!" Sissy screamed.

"i knew it." Jackson laughed.

"hurry up!" Anthony said excited.

i rolled my eyes and looked at Payton in the eye. he looked at my lips as i did the same. we leaned in and closed our eyes. our lips finally met. i placed my hand on Payton's head as he did the same with me. he placed his other hand on my back as i placed mine on his neck. i moved my other hand to his neck as well. as we were kissing we heard everyone screaming, laughing and 'aww'-ing. we then let go and i looked back at Payton. he smiled and we went to sit back down.

"that was so cute!" Madi said happily.

"get married!" Mads laughed.

"kay, so when are you guys dating? or you guys are dating?" Chase laughed.

"we're not dating" Payton said, he then turned me around and i wrapped my legs around his waist.

"AWWW" Charli cooed.

"omgggg! that's so cute!" Avani said.

"thought you guys said you weren't dating" Madi laughed.

"Payton, it's your turn to choose someone" Noah said.

"oh right, sorry" Payton said as we both got off of each other and i say back on Payton's lap. "Josh! truth or dare" Payton asked.

"truth" he said.

"who do you like?" Payton asked.

"umm- no one?" Josh lied.

"it's called a truth Josh, tell the truth" Noah said.

"fine! i like your girlfriend!" Josh shouted at Noah.

"ex" Noah sighed.

"what?" Josh asked.

Noah looked over at Nessa and sighed "we broke up"

Josh looked over at Nessa who was looking at the grass 100% hearing the conversation.

"i'm sorry" Josh said sadly. he went over to Noah and hugged him. i then heard sniffles from Noah as Josh hugged him.

i felt bad for Noah. i've never seen him cry.


"bye guys!" both me and Payton said as we got our boards and skated back home.


we arrived back home and Payton then dropped me off.

"good night Ava" Payton smiled.

"good night Payt" i replied.

he chuckled and left. i watched him go into his house as we both said bye and i shut my door.

i went back into my room and smiled. i got ready for bed and charged my phone. i then went into my bed and closed my eyes.

soon i was out-

a/n: have you ever been to tired so you just went to bed straight away when you got home?

yes i have, yesterday. i literally passed out when i went onto my bed 😂

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