Chapter 4: I see you

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I don't remember getting into the ridiculously large bed last night, I was just so exhausted and my mind a whirlwind of emotions.

I opened my eyes, blurry eyed and disorientated. The morning sun pouring into the bedroom, making the dust flicker. I blinked hard, yesterdays adventures flashing back into my memory.

I stretched out from under the light goose down quilt, swinging my legs out of bed and hopping into the dark tiled bathroom. Enclosed by the large glass shower doors and letting the warm water wash away the tension that ached my body. My heart still heavy from the truth of my new reality, my new home for now.

I dry myself off and head towards the bed, unzipping my suitcases and grabbing out my dark blue skinny jeans and a loose-fitting black turtleneck, with matching knee-high black boots. I stare at myself in the long length mirror. I had a small frame, straight up and down and to my disappointment no kind of womanly curviness. My dark black hair in a messy bun, my skin looked paler than its usual sun kissed shade today and my eyes a stormy dark grey. I looked tired and defeated, the day hasn't even started yet.

I hear in the kitchen the kettle whistling and Lilly humming a little tune to herself. I was on my way into the kitchen ''good morning li-

A light knock interrupted me, surely Collette wasn't here already.

Lilly smiled good morning to me, dressed in her denim overalls again with a bright mustard long sleeve top. She pranced to the door and standing over her, leaning against the door frame was the most breath-takingly beautiful man. His white fair hair slightly flopped over his bright blue eyes, his white cotton buttoned shirt hugging parts of his lean chest and a thin brown scarf closely hung around his shoulders. He looked like a movie a star or some sort of flawless angel.

He lazily smiled, flashing bright perfect teeth ''Good morning neighbours! I just thought I'll introduce myself; I hope I wasn't interrupting breakfast?'' he said politely, looking back down at Lillies frozen body still holding a cup of coffee. She had her back to me, but I could tell she was staring, and her mouth was likely to be hanging open. Lilly has never been good at talking to boys, let alone a boy that looks like that!

When neither of us said anything, only staring at him in response. He cleared his throat and stretched out a hand to Lilly ''My name is Stephan and whom might you be?'' he said gently to Lilly, as if she was a frightened little rabbit.

I saw her shoulders stiffen but head still tilted upwards looking into his captivating eyes ''I. Um ...I. Me-name'' she couldn't form any words only panicked little whispers. He frowned in concern at her and I knew I had to snap out of it before Lilly falls apart and just melts into a puddle.

''Hi there, her name is Lilly and mine is Clair'' I said, gently putting an arm around Lilies shoulders giving her a comforting squeeze and the other hand reaching out to meet his.

His boyish grin making my heart skip a couple of beats '' so you guys just arrived yesterday? I was relieved when I could smell another bear shifter move in, you don't get many of us hey Lilly'' he looked back down at Lilies frozen body. Mouth gaping open and shut like a little fish out of water.

Geez Lil pull yourself together.

I give her another gentle squeeze to encourage her to give him some kind of response. Any time Lilly.....

She gave a little nervous laugh and just said '''' in a shaky breath.

Stephan locking his gaze into hers ''well we better stick together then hey'' he winked, and I suddenly I felt Lilly lean against me for support. '' well I better head off, I can see Collottee on her way down to you guys. It was lovely to meet you two'' he gave us one last little wave, I waved back in response until he was far down the hall and around the corner out of ear shot.

I looked at Lilly, both hands on her shoulders and basically still holding her up right. Her eyes glazed and cheeks a rosy pink '' he was another bear shifter .... Like me'' she sighed lovingly.

I giggled at her '' I think I just witnessed your soul leave your body and came back'' I teased.

She blinked, her eyes in a haze '' did you smell him though'' she hummed in delight.

I frowned at her, scrunching my nose '' no Lil I didn't smell him''. Are shifters more animal than people? It was weird hearing her say that, a reminder that she's was one of them.

''smelt who?'' Collette's voice appearing out of thin air in front of us. Making us both jump in fright, raising an eyebrow in response. Her same leather black attire, but this time wearing a gold choker chain and golden looped earrings. She placed her hands in front of her ''are you girls ready for a tour? I'll be showing you to your classes today as well'' her tone forever serious and stern.

We nodded in unison. Collette carried an air around her of strength and violence, one wrong move against her leaving a person in a whole lot of pain. We followed her through the hallways, until we reached a huge food hall. High ceiling's and yellow stained windows, people siting on benches with food and coffees. Little boutique cafes along the brick walls. Taking another left and up the elevator Collette showed us the Library. Spiraling staircase, the walls covered in shelves upon shelves of books. A old stone fireplace in the middle with large red leather sofas around it. We then went next to a music room. It looked like a large old ball room, the top dome like ceiling covered in pictures of Greek gods and angels. On the grand black stage sat a glossy black piano, a tall lanky man playing a dramatic tune. He had dark shoulder length wavy hair, wearing stripped pants and no shirt. Only a long brown fur coat, black rune tattoos covered his hands and bare skinny chest. His head tilted to our direction and stopped moving his fingers along the piano's keys. His eyes covered with oversize sixties glasses ''who do we have here Collette, fresh meat?'' his voice a little bit high and manic sounding. He stood up and jumped off the stage, sauntering over to us.

''New students Alex'' she growled, clearly does not like this Alex fellow.

He stood in front of Lilly, leaning down and inhaling deeply.

Again, with the sniffing thing?

He grinned and patted her patronizing ''a cute little teddy bear'' he remarked and then turned to me. I leaned back away from him as he bent down and sniffed me.

He paused momentarily, slowly taking off his glasses. I gasped as he revealed bright yellow snake like eyes, looking at me up and down. ''hmm what is your name sweetness'' he said, flicking out a forked tongue.

I gulped ''I-um Clair'' I said as strong as I possibly could. Trying desperately not to show fear.

He closed his eyes briefly ''you know Clair de lune is one of my favorite pieces'' he sighed and dramatically standing up right and lifting his arms up in the air '' I'm Alex Wicker by day'' twirling in a little circle like a ballerina, humming the tune of Clair de lune under his breath. And fluttering his long black eye lashes, a mischievous grin on his face ''and Alexandra by night'' he winked.

I heard Collette making an impatient sound ''we don't have time for your madness Alex, they have classes to go to''.

He leaned back to me, his snake eyes burning into mine ''well it's a mad mad world isn't Clair, can't escape madness'' he giggled manically. The way he said it and the way he looked at me was as if he knew......about me. Unsettling me to the core.

Something tells my true identity won't stay secrete for long. 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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