Laying in a Vampires Bed

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Jades POV

The stormy night was filled with anger and frustration as the thunder boomed like giants were walking this very Earth. Rain pricked my skin like needles and my breath was like a ghost. I was following that ghost. Leading me to nothingness.

Shivering with madness I fell to the cold, hard pavement. Tears falling from my face, mixing with my bloody wounds. Self inflicted murder swimmed in my head. This is the end.

He is going to find me. And he is going to kill me. Vladislov. His name made me shiver. The sound of evil ringing in my ears as I fell unconsious.

Alexanders POV

The wind was unbarable and my hair was soaking wet. Dripping on my nose like a tear had fallen upon my face. I hurt a wimper over the rain. Then silence. Everything around me turned into nothing.

I could scense Vladislov. I could tell it was him just by the bitterness that crept into my nose.

But I seen a small body in the road being pounded by rain and ran to help. She was uncontious but I could hear her pulse thumping like the rain.

"Hello. Can you wake?" I said against the rain already knowing the answer.

Her body was limb in my arms as I ran to my home and layed her on my bed. I smelled blood. I looked at my arms and there was blood on my arms and shirt. I freaked out and looked at her body and seen blood everywhere. Did Vladislov do this to her?

After she was cleaned up I ran to the door and locked it making sure he wasnt out there. I couldnt sence him but sometimes he will creep up.

I jumped into the shower letting the hot water run down my pale body. Washing away the blood and dirt. Who is she? Was Vladislov after her. Is that why she was bleeding. I ran my tongue over my fangs as I stepped out and dried myself. I walked into my room and quickly grabbed my pajamas and changed in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and seen a dark figure. Myself. My eyes glowed yellow but my hair was black and half bleached white. Unique. I thought to myself. Different.

Jades POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar dark room. I stirred and got up, feeling burning on my wrists and neck. What the? Bandages patched around them kept them from the red rubies pouring out of my skin.

I heard a door open and saw a guy about my age. His long half black half white hair hung in his face still wet from a shower. He was definatly built. His muscles stretched his black t-shirt that matched his black pajama pants. He looked so comfortable. I just wanted to hug him all day.

He looked at me suprised like he didnt expect me to wake up yet. And took a step forward but hesitated like he was going to scare me. He looked down.

"Who are you?" I spoke first to break the awkward silence.

"Alexander Schlovlac." He looked up meeting my eyes. Oh my those eyes. They peirced threw my soul and made me dizzy. I wobbled and sat on the bed. He rushed over to me to see if I was okay.

"Are you okay. Im sorry I did that. I-I didnt mean to."

I smiled. Letting him know I was okay. He backed away realizing how close he was.

"What happened? Why am I here?" Looking at his face. His features were beautiful. His jaw looked strong and his nose was just the right size for his face.

"I found you in the road uncontious. Was Vladislov chasing you?" I froze in fear of his name. Just speaking of him made me think he already knew where I was. Can he find me here?

"Y-y-. H-how do you k-know him?" I sputtered. I was still socked that he knew him. Let alone know he was trying to find me.

"He is my enemy. Dont worry. Im not here to kill you or anything like that. Im here to protect you. He was my fathers friend until he turned mad and started kidnapping women and children and using them as sex slaves and food. He is pure evil." He looked disqusted and furious. His eyes turned a dark green and sat down next to me on the bed. "He ate my mother while I watched." His lip quivered and a tear ran down his face. I hugged him tight as he let out his tears.

He stopped and looked at me.

Alexanders POV

She smelled so good. My fangs came out and I backed away before I had a temptation to bite her.

"What?" She looked at me confused like she did something wrong. I wanted to say something but she cant see my fangs. She will get scared and run away.

She looked at my lips and her eyes got wide. Great... waiting for her to scream bloody murder.

But it never came. I closed my eyes and waited once again. Maybe she was just in shock. Again silence.

I opened my eyes and she was smiling. Why was she smiling? Was she thinking of an evil plan to kill me?

"Your a vampire." She said slowly. Taking it all in.

"Yes." I gulped.

"Is that why you didnt want to hug me? Because you wanted to bite me?"

I looked away with guilt. "Yeah."

"Its okay. Im not scared of you." She looked around. "Can I use your shower?"

"Yeah. I will go get you a towel." I said and walked to the hallway. I grabbed her a coulpe towels and gave them to her. She walked into the bathroom doorway but I stopped her.

"Hey. I didnt get your name."

She looked over her shoulder and smiled.

"Jade. Jade scott."

"I'll be back in about 30 minutes. I have an arin to run. But dont worry my dog is here. He'll protect you."

She looked worried but agreed.

I rushed up another flight of stairs and knocked on my brothers door. He opened it and looked at me.

"Hey. A girl named Jade is in the shower. Vladislov is after her. Can you guard her till I get back?"

"Yup." He said putting his coller on and switching into his wolf form. I knelt down and looked him sternly in the eyes.

"Dont touch her."

He wimpered and layed down letting me know he understood. I ruffeled is hair and got up.

"Good boy."

I ran out the door and got in my car and dialed Ravens number. I needed to get some clean clothes for Jade and im a guy. I dont know what girls wear.


"Hey Rave. There is a new girl. Jade. And she needs some clean clothes so I was wondering if you could help me shop for some?" There was silence on the other line.


"Great. Thanks. I'll be right over to pick you up."

"Okay." I ended the call and started the car. Looking in the backseat, I checked if anyone was behind me and drove to Ravens house.

Hey guys there is another pic of Alexander. His eyes change colors. And the cover pic is a pic of him as well. Yup. XD

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