Im sorry

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We went back to my house and stayed there while I cleaned my house and shut Charlie's door bc I didn't wanna touch it and we went to my room and I stayed in my clothes and I got a ft from jayden
J-jayden a-annie
J-hey I'm so sorry for ur loss annie but IM COMMIN TO THE FUNERAL AND IM MOVING TO UR TOWN SO U CAN MOVE IN WITH ME AND ITS RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO ASHER. Ik u might wanna move in with Asher but if the adopt u it's like he is ur brother and u don't want that
A-true I'll talk  to him but I defo WANNA HUG U
J-okay girl haha I wanna hug u too butttt I gotta pack and get ready to move
A-okay booo ily
J-Ilyt bbyyyy
End of call

So Asher annie I think u should move in with her bc she is right it's like we're siblings so I should move in with her? Yes annie thank u for always being here for me ofc baby I could never leave u I say thank u and I hug him harder and we watch a movie until I fall asleep and I wake up sweating and I get out of ashers grip and go to the kitchen and cry and I couldn't stop thinking abt how it's all my fault then I heard footsteps so I shoot up and wipe my tears and Asher walks in saying it's almost midnight I'm gonna go home and if u need me call me okay okay I say and next thing I know I'm alone in an empty house with no one so I call my friend to come spend the night which he said yes and he lives 2 hrs away so he came and we hugged and laughed and we took some pro photos I was having so much fun and felt happy like haha

So Asher annie I think u should move in with her bc she is right it's like we're siblings so I should move in with her? Yes annie  thank u for always being here for me ofc baby I could never leave u I say thank u and I hug him harder and we watch ...

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@annielene thank u so much William for driving two hours to spend the night I LOVE U @williamfrank
Liked by @asherang @leondredev @jaydenb and 50.8 mil others

@jaydenb awww✈️
@asherang oh I
@leondredev goalsss
@ashnniefan ummm no only Asher
@williamfranfan he is gay u know that
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Next thing u know I hear my door slam open and Asher run in and pinned William to the wall and get in between them and say what the hell he says annie u have a new bf? That's it I'm leaving we're through and he runs out I run after him but he left so I came in and William left and there I was again alone at 8am so I just got to my room and cry for at least two hours I get up to my door getting banged on so I go to the door and hear two guys say police open up so I open the door and two police men came in and said u annie lenehan I said yes sir he says where is the bathroom he did it in so I take them upstairs and show them and everything was still the same as I left it they say u will be moving in with jayden they have fully adopted you so tomorrow they will be here to get you here is money to hold you over till then call this if you need anything I say thanks and lock the door and run to my room and post an old photo on insta

Next thing u know I hear my door slam open and Asher run in and pinned William to the wall and get in between them and say what the hell he says annie u have a new bf? That's it I'm leaving we're through and he runs out I run after him but he left...

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@annielene ig this is goodbye to ashnie and Asher have officially broke up its no ones blame but it was time we both love you
Liked by @asherang @jaydenb @leondredev and 100.9 mil others

@leondredev I'm so so sorry
@jaydenb I'm sorry I love u
@asherang u cheated!! With William
@williamfrank replying to @asherang Asher I am gay and happily taken if u look at my page it shows my boyfriend..
@asherang replying back to @williamfrank wait did I-
@williamfrank replying back to @asherang u did
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I look at my phone and see an incoming call from Asher so I pick it up and

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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