Episode 1: Remember

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Previously on September Boy....

Jake closed his eyes. Suddenly, Someone ran in. "JAKE!", A boy yelled. Jake quickly opened his eyes. He looked. It was Jack! Taylor turned and saw Jack. Jack ran to Jake. *BANG* The gun fired. Taylor Shot Jack. "NOOOOO!, JACK!", Jake cried out. Tears were running down his face. Jack fell to his knees. She shot him in the chest. He fell down in front of Jake. Blood was forming a puddle. Jake cried. "HANDS UP!", The police officers yelled out as they all had guns on Taylor. Taylor Quickly raised her hands. One of the officers ran over to Jake and untied him. Jake ran to Jack who was on the ground. The police arrested Taylor and put her in handcuffs. "No..Jack..!", Jake cried. "i.. I love you... brother!", Jack spoke as he was lying there dying. "I love you too", Jake cried. Jack slowly looked over to Jake. "i'm so...glad.... i met you jake....don't forget... about me!", Jack spoke in his last few breaths. Jack closed his eyes. "Jack?", Jake cried. Jack died... in Jake's arms. "I love you...", Jake cried. Tears were running down like a faucet. A police officer slowly walked up to Jake. "We're sorry for your loss", He said. "I loved him so much!", Jake exclaimed. An officer was walking Taylor out. She stopped. "I'm...I'm sorry Jake!", Taylor said. Jake ignored her. The officer took Taylor out of the house. "What kind of world does this...?", Jake cried... ~One Week Later ~Jake Walked. Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Robin followed behind. They were crying. They were in the cemetery. It was Jack's funeral. "We're so sorry for your loss", The guy said. Jake wiped a tear." He's in a better place now" Jake gave a slight smile. "I love you Jack... Forever and Always"


  Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Years passed since the Death of Jake's older brother, Jack. Jake is now 23 and had moved out of the city and lives in a smaller town now. He adopted an 11 year old boy and named him Jack. 

"So... You had a brother?", Asked Jack. "Yeah..He would've been your uncle!", Jake said. "Cool....Um.. May I ask you a question?", Jack asked. Jake looked over to Jack. "Yeah for sure, What is it?", Jake responded with. "So... Do I call you dad or Jake?", Jack asked. Jake Smiled. "Which ever you want to call me!", Jake said. "Okay Dad", Jack said.  Jake smiled. "Come one, Let's go out for dinner tonight!", Jake said. "Okay!" The two stood up from the table and walked to the car. 

September Boy 2

Episode 1: Remember 

They Arrived at the restaurant and sat in a booth. "What was your brother like?", Jack asked. Jake looked at him. "Well... He was Kind, Loyal, Brave!", Jake listed, "He would've loved to meet you.... but.. He can't". Jake looked sad for a minute. Jack felt a little guilty for asking. "I'm sorry, Jack apologized.  "For what?, Jake asked. "I don't know.. Making this happy moment sad!", Jake replied. "Aw Jack.. You didn't make it sad!", Jake smiled, "It's good to remember the past!" "Okay'.

Chapter 2: The Past 

"So.. Do we have more family?", Jack asked. "Yes... We do!", Jake replied. "Can We Visit them?", Jake looked down. "Um well.. Let's just continue that at home!", Jake said. "Oh.. Okay", Jack said. Just then, Their food came. An Hour later... They drove back home. Jack and Jake walked into the house. Jake had bought a house a few years ago when he moved into this town. His hometown is just a few hours away.  Jack and Jake sat down at their dining table. Jake looked at Jack. "Alright.. So After your uncle died.. It was really hard for all of us", Jake explained, "When I graduated, I left the city and moved out here. I kinda wanted to move on, I still keep in touch with my family but we don't see them very often!" Jack sat there. "Okay", Jack replied. There was a moment of silence. Jack felt awkward. Jake smiled. "Maybe next week we'll drive down and see them, Cool?", Jake reassured. "Sure!", Jack responded. But he still had a question. "Jake..Could I ask you a question?", Jack asked softly. "Sure, What is it?" Jack looked at Jake. "Who killed Jack.. Your brother?", Jack asked. Jake looked worried and was silent. "Um.. I Can't tell you!", Jake replied trying not to shed tears. "Why Not?", Jack asked curiously. "Because I just can't it hurts to say their name!", yelled Jake. "I'm sorry Jake", Jack softly apologized.  Jack looked at Jake. "Sometimes it's okay... not to be okay", Jake said. 

Chapter 3: Beside You

As the hours passed, Jack became more and more curious about Jake's murdered brother he was named after. Finally, When he couldn't bear the suspense any longer, He decided to find out more about Jack by himself. He opened his door and crept out of his room while Jake was sleeping. He turned on his flashlight and began searching for anything he could find about his adoptive uncle.  "I wonder why he was killed!", Jack whispered to himself. He searched for hours and hours and found nothing except a photograph of Jake and this girl with her face scratched out. "I wonder if this is Jake's old friend!", Jack shoved the photo in his pocket. Jack got up and started walking to the door. He had more questions than answers. He decided to go to bed. He took a step and heard a noise. He looked down. He stepped on a hollow piece of wood. "Huh?" Jack took the piece of wood off the floor. He saw a shoe box. He grabbed it and opened it. There were photos of Jake's family and... His brother. Jack looked at a photo. It was of Jack and Jake. "
It seemed like they did everything together!, I.. Kinda feel Jake's pain now... Jack seemed special to Jake!", Jack said to himself. He put the box back into the floor and went upstairs to bed. 

Chapter 4: The Only Reason

Jake woke up to the sound of birds chirping. That night had been more difficult to sleep than how his nights usually went. He usually had nightmares since that night She pulled the trigger. He pushed the unpleasant memory aside and hurried to get ready. He finished brushing his teeth and went downstairs to make breakfast. He was scrambling eggs when his thoughts drifted back to The traumatic night. "Jake.. Move on.. Move on!", Jake said to himself. He remembered her aiming at Jack, His brother as he walked into that basement.  She pulled the trigger. Jack opened his eyes. "Why did he have to die?, why didn't she kill me first?", Questioned Jake. Jake then realized  that Jack was probably watching over him from above the clouds. Jake smiled. "I miss you" 

Chapter 5: Not Giving Up

Jack groaned as his alarm clock beeped. He'd had a horrible sleep. He wasn't able to sleep. He dozed on and off the rest of the night. He was laying there, staring at the ceiling. He finally got out of bed and got dressed. He brushed his teeth and headed downstairs. "Good Morning Jack!", Jake said as he put a plat full of food on the table. "Morning", Jack said as he yawned. "Alright, I've got to go to work, I'll be back at 5!", Jake said as he got his coat on. Jack started eating. "Okay... Bye!", Jack waved. "See ya, Love you kiddo!", Jake said. Jack ran up to Jake and gave him a hug. Jake hugged him back. "See you!", Jake walked out the door. Jack walked back to the table and finished eating. He then put his plate into the dishwasher and went up to his room. He walked over to his desk and opened a drawer. He picked up his notebook and set it on his desk. He grabbed a pen and jotted down where to search. He tapped his chin thoughtfully.  He sprung up. "The Kitchen?... No... The Living room!... No.. There's no books or anything in there... Jake's room!", Why didn't I think of that earlier!", Jack said to himself. He stood up and walked out of his room. He walked across the hallway to Jake's room. He stood at the door. "Okay.. You have til 5!" Jack opened the door. 

Chapter 6: End Up Here

Jack opened the door. He walked in. It was clean. "Now.. Where to look?", Jack questioned. Jack walked over to a dresser. He opened it. It had Jake's underwear. "YUCK!", Jack quickly closed the drawer. "Onto the next!", Jack opened the next drawer. It was Shirts. "Nothing!", Jack said. He walked over to Jake's desk. He opened the drawers but nothing! A few hours later, It was 4:57 PM. Jack looked in the closet in Jake's room. He looked down and saw a box. He grabbed the box and opened it. He sat on the bed with it. Jack picked up a photo, It was Jake and a girl. She was pretty. Jack looked and saw that she was Pregnant. Jack flipped over the photo. It had the names "Jake, Taylor... and Taylor's baby" Just then, Jake walked onto the room. "Jack!", Yelled Jake. "Taylor!... Taylor killed Your brother!", Jack spoke.  Jake looked mad. "You weren't suppose to know who she is!", He yelled. "Why?, She's just the killer of your brother-", Jack got cut off. "She isn't just a killer..", Jake looked at Jack sad. "That was your...Mother..."

Episode 1: Remember

Written By: Brayden Bishop

Remake Released August 31st, 2020

This is a remake to The sequel made in 2016.

Thanks for reading!

Episode 2 Coming soon! 

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