Chapter 51

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Shuhua's POV

"WHAT AREN'T YOU GONNA TELL ME?" I asked once again. No ones answering me. They are all just staring at me.

"Shuhua calm down." Minnie Unnie said that made me confused more.

"You know what's happening Unnie? Do you all know except for me?" I asked with tears slowly falling

"No it's just-- I cut Minnie Unnie off. 

"So no one will tell me?" I asked unpatiently

"Soojin Unnie?" I called her then looked at her 

"Care to explain?" I asked her with a sad tone. My legs are feelings so weak right now

"Soojin Unnie agreed to a bet that involves you, and that bet is making you fall for her again." Yuqi suddenly said that made me to drop down the floor and just cry.

I heard some footsteps that is probably going near me.

"Stop, don't come near me." I said to whoever that person is.

"It's Soyeon." She said that made me just nod at her gesturing to it's okay to go near me.

"Unnie, it's better not to go to her first." I heard Soyeon Unnie said.

"No,we need to make it up." I heard what Soojin said while crying too.

After she said that I immediately stood up.

I wiped my tears before saying words that could hurt.

"Do you think we can make up after what has been revealed?" I asked her toughly

"Love, please listen--" I cutted her off and said, "Don't you ever call me that if you didn't really felt that way." I said

"It was 3 years ago. Months after Hui and I broke up. I realized that I love you I really do. But Elkie was in the picture. She makes you happy that made me jealous. That's when I drank and the bet happened. Trust me I am sincere." She explained and she is trying to hug me but I leaned back when she does.

"No..the point is why would you just agree to a bet to make me fall in love with you? that's bullshit. You could have just initiate to make me fall in love with you again in a good way not in this way. Not in the way that you need to play with my feelings!" I said furiously 

"You showed me signs that you really loved me.

 But I was wrong.You just played my love for you.

 All this time I was loving you more than I could ever love myself and you're out here just playing with it.Is that what I look to you?

 A game?

 A game that when you want to play with others feelings you'll do it just to complete that fucking dare? Fuck off.

I still can't believe that I wasted my time for your game.

 I am a human too, Soojin.I can get hurt too.

 I've been hurt a lot for multiple times for the same fucking reason and for the same person.

 I thought we will be happy in our own story?Guess not.

 Unnie, I'm not a toy for you to complete your story of TOY STORY.I had enough. I thought you really are sincere in here.

I should have let you go way back and not be a martyr in the past.

 Guess that I can say it now cause you've reached my limit.

You know that I can handle pain but if it's too much for me,I'll stop.I promised that I'll never give up with us but I had enough and it's different from giving up.

It's way more different Unnie. 

It may seems fast but I don't it's just that my mind keeps telling me that..

I'm ready to let go."

I said with a trembling voice, tears are non stop falling. I feel numb like really numb.

After I said that I left them,but I hear them calling my name. I didn't bother to look back at them.

I called Elkie while crying.

On the phone
Elkie: Hello?
:E-elkie, please book me a flight back to Taiwan.
Elkie: Why are you crying?!
:J-just b-book me a flight. I'll explain after. And can you just book me at a hotel near at Soojin Unnie's pent house? You know this place right?
Elkie: Okay just stay where you are and I'll call you in a bit

I ended the call and I'm here at a play ground. I very quiet and peaceful play ground. It's near the penthouse of Soojin Unnie so they might find me quickly but who cares.

After minutes of staring blankly and swaying with the swing,I checked my phone and I saw lots of miss calls from almost every people that is with us. But I only answered one contact out of the contacts that called me.

Mom: Why did you suddenly wanna comeback home? Elkie said you want her to book a flight for you back to here?"
:Something dumb just happened Mom
Mom: Is it about you and Soojin? Aren't you supposed to have fun? It's your 3rd anniversary right?
:Mom I don't want to talk about this first please.
Mom: Okay honey, by the way your flight will be scheduled 3 AM in the morning. I'll let your manager drive you to the airport.

I dropped the call and sighed out loud.

I called Manager Oppa right away to tell me my decision that I'll be in a hiatus first.

Oppa: Shuhua where have you been? Let me pick you up.
:Oppa I thought my mother told you already?
Oppa: What?
: Oppa, I'll take a hiatus first. It may sound selfish but I really can't it will really affect my mental health..
Oppa: It's okay Shuhua. I know they will understand and the company will too. 
: And oppa..
Oppa: What? Don't make me nervous Shuhua yah
: I will fly back to Taiwan. My flight will be at 3 am later in the morning.
Oppa: Are you sure about this?
:Yes oppa. Just pick me up at the hotel that Elkie will book and just pick me up  later at 2 AM. Don't tell it to the girls. They will see it at news articles and the company will probably tell them. I'll text you later the location Oppa.
Oppa: Fine, take care Shuhua.

Elkie called me and she said she have a room for me at a hotel she booked at. I stood up then turn around and saw Soyeon Unnie.

"Shuhua.." She said with a joy on her face

"We are really sorry if we kept that to you. We never intended too.We thought it wouldn't hurt you that much but turns out the other way." She said while her hands are twitching.

"I'm fine." I said shortly with a half smile

"No you're not. I heard your conversation with Elkie. Want me to drop you off to the hotel? I'll sleep with you too." She said while worries are visible on her eyes.

"Okay Unnie,just don't tell the others where I am." I said 

I went inside and sit at the passenger sit. Soyeon Unnie turned on the Waze and pinned the location of the hotel.

I did send it to Oppa too. 

I didn't tell it to Soyeon Unnie that I will leave South Korea in hours.

We are now here at the hotel room. 

"Rest now Shuhua. I know you are tired from what happened earlier." Soyeon Unnie said while fixing the blanket.

"I will too Unnie. You too." I said then faked my self to fall asleep.

In minutes manager oppa will pick me up.

Minutes later I felt my phone vibrated and I checked it up

Oppa: I'm now here.

I just seened it and quietly took of the blanket that was above me to not wake Soyeon Unnie up.

I wrote a letter for Soyeon Unnie for her not to worry more if she sees me not beside her when she woke up.

I'm now here at the airplane. I bid goodbye to my manager. He cried but I assured him that I will comeback healthier and stronger. 

We are now planning to take off so I put on my sleeping mask and sleep finally. 

I'm ready to let go~// × s.sjWhere stories live. Discover now