Feeling iffy

514 14 6

Tendou Pov
It was cold as hell, I walked to me and Wakatoshi-kuns meeting spot and waited for him to get there. He was usually here earlier than me, weird. I wait for about five minutes before pulling out my phone and texting

Where are you Ushi ???
Ah Tendou I forgot to
tell you I don't feel well so I'm staying home
Ahh, I see well I'll see you in a minute then.
What do you mean I'm not coming to school ?
I know I'm staying home with you.
Alright see you in a minute then.

Text convo ended

Ushijima's Pov
After receiving Tendou's text I get a bit nervous. I tend to be a bit, well needy when I'm sick. That's why I didn't want to tell him I felt sick but it had slipped my mind. I hoped he would let me cuddle up to him. I grew extremely tired and was about to fall asleep when suddenly
knock knock knock
I jump from the loud noise and slump out of bed to get the door. I open the door to see an overly excited tendou staring back at me. He stares at me for a second and then decides to let himself in. He walks past me and into the kitchen searching for something. I sit down on the couch and turn on the TV while he searches for whatever he's looking for. I hear him call from the kitchen, "What have you eaten today Ushi?" I respond with a nothing but it sounded not like a low groan. He peeps his head and smirks at me and then goes back into the kitchen. After about 10 minutes I smell something delicious coming from the kitchen to i drowsily walk to the kitchen to check it out. I rest my head on his shoulder from behind as I stare at the pot of boiling ramen noodles on the stove. He speaks, "it's not the best thing for sickness but it's all you had so at least it's something." I'm barely listening but he moves to dish the ramen as I move to sit on the counter. He glances at me and goes back to poring the ramen into the two bowls on the counter. I watch my mouth watering at the delicious smell. He notices and laughs bringing me my bowl. We didn't bother eating at the table since it was just us. He hops up on the counter next to me and we eat the ramen. It was pretty good considering my stomach was completely empty. He finished and grabbed my bowl he washed them and then we headed up to my room. I was super tired so I told him I would take a nap he told me he would join me. I didn't mind since me had been close friend since I had come to Shiritorizawa. He was a lot closer to me then the other team mates but considering I'm a pretty conservative person I was surprised that tendou an outgoing guy wanted to be friends with me. I don't talk a lot which is the complete opposite for tendou. I guess you could say I had developed slight feelings for him but I knew he would never feel the same so I kept them away. I had never really has feelings for anyone so with Tendou I thought I just liked him as a friend but it turns out my feelings were much deeper when I started to have dreams about him kissing and loving on the other volleyball guys which made me super jealous even though it was just a dream. That's when I realized my feelings were more than friendly. I secretly hoped he felt the same but I doubted that he actually did.

Tendou's Pov

I walk up the stairs pulling Ushi up after me. He seems really tired the cold really took a toll on his sleep schedule. I didn't mind though we finally got to his room and we both laid down on his bed. Not to long after he was fast asleep his soft breathes could be heard in the quite room. I was a bit tired to as I searched for a comfortable spot to lay he wrapped his big arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest. In a bit of shock I look back to see his sleeping face. So close. I couldn't resist I kiss him. His eyes shot open and he realized the position we were in. He blushes wildly pulling away from the kiss and looks away letting go of my waist. Oh god, what have I done?!

~ Hey y'all this is B aka author Chan :) I hope you liked the first chapter I don't see a lot of Ushiten so I decided to make one. Have a wonderful day/night bye :) ~
-word count 824-

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