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Tsukishima P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of a door slamming shut by the front of the house. I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times, getting used to the light shining into the room. Yama was already wide awake. He looked afraid. I instantly hugged him, trying to make him feel better. Instead of receiving the hug, he wriggled away and stood up, and at this point, tears were forming in his eyes. I sat and stared at him.

"What's the matter?" I asked genuinely.

"Closet. Now." He didn't bother giving me an explanation, but none was necessary. It was painfully obvious that his mother had returned from her trip to Spain. She had been gone for three months, which wasn't enough to give Yamaguchi and I some time alone. I growled and rolled out of bed, picking up my things and throwing them into the laundry basket in the closet. He gave me my glasses and gently nudged me into the closet, closing the door behind me. I sat in silence. In darkness, I tried to hear his mother's footsteps coming up the stairs to the room. I focused on what I stride to hear, and eventually, surely enough, she was coming up the stairs and in the direction of Tadashi's room. I peeked out the crack of the door. He was sitting on his bed reading a book. I could tell that he was nervous. Even from the closet, I could see his expression, and at that moment I just wanted to leap out, hug him, and never let go. Suddenly, I heard the bedroom door knob twist and the door swing open. Yama turned to his mother. I held my knees to my chest and prayed that she wouldn't find me. I should be fine. All the other times she didn't find me, so it was unlikely that she would check for me this time. For all she knew, I was still in America with my family.

"Tadashi, I missed you." She said, walking over to sit on his bed. He set the book down and looked at her.

"I missed you too mom. I'm glad you're back."

She placed a kiss on his head. I couldn't help but make a face and clench my fists. This bitch has the audacity to waltz into the room as if she was welcome anytime. Yama smiled at her. "How was your trip?"

She crossed her legs and faced him. When she did that, you already know shes going from be there for a while. "Terrible, thanks for reminding me." I heard a hint of anger in her voice. "Our hotel was out of a horror movie, the food tastes like it was fresh out of the trash, and don't get me started in the weather. I know it was a business trip, but I didn't want to have to work out in the storm every day."

Her bitching never seemed to stop. Mrs. Yamaguchi always had something to complain about, then she would take it out on her son. I closed my eyes and leaned against the closet wall. I heard Yama tell her that he was sorry that her trip wasn't that great and that he hoped she would have a better time on her next one.

"How is school? How are your friends?" She was being really nice, and I didn't like it. Not so much "nice" from the kindness of her heart, more like the fake "nice," and you could tell, too.

"They're great. The volleyball team and I won our game a couple weeks ago."

"And how's that blond, Tsukishima? Do you ever hear from him nowadays? I wouldn't think so. He's probably got new friends by now-"

Oh shit. Here we go.

"Actually," he interrupted his mother's sentence. "We still talk a lot."

"Is that so? Did you know that apparently he has a girlfriend now? I'm sure he told you. I hear that she's got beautiful brown hair and the brightest blue eyes."

Now I wanted to kick her ass. None of that bullshit was true and she knows it. I wanted to punch the living shit out of her now. I tensed my shoulders.

"Oh... He uh, didn't tell me that."

Stop it Yama! You're falling into her trap again! She's only bringing you down!"

I wanted to get out of the closet right now and scream at her. Not only was she telling lies in front of her son, she's also lowering his mood by a lot. I hoped that I would be able to get out soon.

"I was texting Tsukki this morning and he said nothing about a woman in his life. Besides, I know who he has his eyes on."

"And who might that be? You?" She started laughing. "Don't be ridiculous, Tadashi. He wouldn't ever fall in love with you. Listen, dear. There are a lot of fish in the sea. Not all dreams come true."

"As a matter of fact, he-" Yama stopped. They both fell silent for a moment before his mother spoke again.

"I don't want you talking to him. I think he's a bad influence on you. If I find that you're talking to him again, I'll take your phone away. Got it?" She threatened. I heard nothing from him, so I assumed he nodded.

"Good. We're having ramen for dinner, I'm tired and don't want to make anything big. I'll leave you."

Finally. I heard the bedroom door open and close. I waited for the footsteps to fade away into nothing before I came out of the hot closet. I crawled out and looked up at Yama, who was sitting up on the bed with his knees to his chest and his arms wrapped around them. His hair was in his face and tears fell down his cheeks. I let out a sigh and made my way to the bed. I simply sat there and let him cry into my shoulder. I placed my hand on top of his head and drew circles with my thumb.

"Did... You hear all the.. t-terrible things she... Said?" He asked me in between sobs.

"Yeah, I heard all of it. She's a piece of shit. Don't listen to a word she says. It'll be okay." I soothed him. He gripped my shirt with his shaky hands. For a moment I wanted to switch places with Yama so that he wouldn't have to suffer from his mother's lies any longer. I rested my head against the wall behind me. A thought suddenly occured to me. What if his mother were gone and never to interfere with our lives again? My eyes widened a little.

What if... She were dead?

A/N: Oh boy psycho tsukki here we come......

Also tysm for almost 1k reads!!!!!!!

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