2. My problems. Not yours.

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Xavier and Simon walk towards me and I wish I knew what they were thinking. "Was that um..your, um, boyfriend?" Simon asks. He sounds deflated, and I don't understand for the life of me why.

"No. My best friend," I say, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. "Apparently I've made a bigger enemy in the same person. C'mon." I walk to the stairway and peek up.

"I can't wait till I see that b**ch again. She'll get what's coming to her," I hear. I sigh and walk away.

"What's wrong? You look depressed, or defeated," Xavier says. I shake my head and keep walking.

"Don't worry about it." We take the longer way around to reach history class. Long behold, Victor stands in my way. "Are you following me now?" I ask, trying not to be scared out of my mind.

"So what if I am?" He walks towards me and I stand there. "Just wait till gym. Same teacher or not," he says as he purposely bumps my shoulder as hard as he can. Closing my eyes, I sigh before realizing that Xavier was here too.

"Was that nothing too?" I spin on my heels to face him.

"Butt out of my life okay? I have a handle on it and I don't need some stranger I just met questioning me!!" I yell, storming off into the classroom. I take a seat next to the windows and stare at the desk. Guilt turns my stomach.

'I shouldn't have yelled at him like that..this is why no one talks to you. They ask something and you blow up. Apologize.' Sometimes, I hate talking to myself. But Self is right. I shouldn't have yelled and I need to apologize.

If people don't wanna talk to me, that's on them. Not me. Xavier walks into the classroom and looks at me. I take a deep breath and wave him over. He almost looks excited.

"Yeah?" I bite my lip, staring at my hands.

"I um. I, I wanted to say I'm sorry for yelling," I mutter. I don't think he heard me, and I'm about to say something before I feel arms wrap around me. My heart skips a beat and my body freezes. Xavi pulls away from me and I can't do anything.

It's been months since I've gotten a hug from someone. Mom isn't really one to make physical contact, Winifred hates me, and dad's gone. That leaves me with my friends, but I didn't get out much this summer.

"Are you okay?" he asks. I nod as my body slowly thaws and I can think again.

"Yeah. Fine." I blink and turn away, just as the bell rings. Did they change the bell schedule? He takes a seat in front of me. A guy walks in and he looks almost like a police officer the way he peers at us.

"Good morning students. I will be your teacher for a few weeks. Your regular teacher has the flu," he says in a thick southern accent. I smile a little. Ms. Gradd was a pretty okay teacher, but she was strict. Don't get me wrong, I hope she's okay. It's just good to have a break.

"So..what's your name?" a girl in the front asks. He looks at her and she shifts a little.

"My name, since you inquired, is Mr. Trent." Xavier tenses and looks down, almost like he was cursing the desk he was at. "Your teacher left some instructions for me, and assignments for the next few weeks."

"Great. Please don't be like her, please don't," I pray quietly. He walks to the whiteboard and picks up a marker.

"Week 1: Today, you have five vocabulary and summary assignments that are due at the end of class tomorrow. Wednesday, there's a history essay that you will have two days to complete. Friday, you have another essay that's due at the start of class the following week." Everyone groans, except me. I'm silently happy. "She actually had more for you to do this week, but I figure you might need some time to complete your work. Please don't disappoint. Your vocabulary and summary assignments are on chapters 6-10. Get started. And I don't mind you talking, but keep it to a minimum."

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