Not an update

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I won't take offense if you decide to just not read this :) WARNING CONTAINS DETAILS ABOUT MY PERSONAL LIFE :O (and I guess just excuses)

It's been like 12 days. That feels like a really long time to me to not update.
I'm alive
That's something I guess.

Idk anymore.
So Uh I broke up with my boyfriend, put my dog to sleep, got cussed out by a friend for breaking up with said ex, and have had nightmares every couple days ever since the whole bye bye puppy ordeal.


I'm perfectly fine, kind of. Well at least my mask is working well enough to where I seem fine. And I've even started fooling myself so alls good.

And Wattpad won't let me add music anymore :( kinda angry about that because I actually really wanted to add music to the next chapter.
Just the not being able to add music is like the biggest factor as to why I haven't updated... oops. Idk maybe it will be fixed soon.

If not I'll just give you guys the update either way.

Signing out
Wash your hands

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