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Warning rape
Dippers POV
Pyronica made the plan of trying to get detention all day.

So far she has not succeeded in any class.

It's Mr. Blackwells class next hour.

"Class today is a free day. I feel like you all deserve it!" He said with a smile.

He glanced at me and smirked before heading into his office.
The boys erupted in cheers since they didn't have to do anything and could just mess around.

Me on the other hand was absolutely terrified. I wanted to curl up in a ball. I wanted to go home but I wasn't wanted there either so what was the point.

_\Time Skip/_
Pyronica was unsuccessful. Her friend didn't respond and she didn't get detention. Bill had been nowhere to be found all day so they couldn't have asked him to help.

"Dipper I'm so sorry." She said looking defeated.

"It's ok Pyronica. I'll be ok." I said forcing a smile.

"Dipper!" I flinched "Get to detention or it'll be extended." Mr. Blackwell threatened.

He smirked when I started walking towards the classroom he was using.

"Miss Pyronica. Go home. Or else. You may not be my type but exceptions can be made." Mr. Blackwell said.

I felt myself burn with rage as Pyronica ran away. He couldn't threaten her! That wasn't right.

I had stopped walking without realizing and he pushed me forward into the classroom and shut the door.

"All alone. Now I can what I said I would." He grinned as I looked up at him in fear. "Are you excited? Cause I sure am."

He pushed me up against the wall my mind rushing wilding searching for a way to escape. My eyes darted around the room time seemed to slow down as he went for my neck.

I hated it. I hate it so much. He stayed there for a bit.

I still couldn't come up with a plan. It was useless. I wouldn't escape.
I felt his hands feel my body. Eyes widening in fear I tried moving his hands away. He grabbed my wrists with one hand and continued.
He forced his tongue into my mouth and the plan hit me.

I bit his tongue. Warm blood rushed out. He disconnected and put a hand to his mouth while I spit the blood back on him.

He looked seriously pissed. His eyes were wild. It looked just my fathers eyes when he gets mad at me. He threw me on to the ground towards the door. And wiped the blood from his lips.

I was frozen with fear. He leaned down looking at me.

"You fucking bitch. Now I'm really gonna have fun."

Adrenaline rushed through my body as he picked me up by my throat. Tightening his hand around my throat. I grabbed at his hand desperately trying to peel it off my neck.

"You like that? There's something else for you that may do something similar." He grinned.

I kicked. Aiming for his crotch and hit it dead on. He dropped me and his face fell. I landed on the floor and tried catching my breath. I couldn't stop coughing and wheezing. I stood up and opened the door running out.

"You bitch! I'll show you not to resist me!" He screamed.

I started running and heard him behind me. I was struggling since I hadn't completely caught my breath.

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